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My Friend Can't Believe It

Guest greystoked

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Guest gurehaundo

Jac makes the least amount of noise.. Well, with his mouth. He's only barked a few times in the three years we've had him, but he scared the crap out of himself each time. :lol Now, stomping his feet while running in the house is a different story. The boy is loud!


Tenn barks a lot compared to the boys, but not even close to what the IGs and Coonhound can do. :rolleyes:

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Guest Celestrina

Angie will occasionally bark when she needs to go outside, but usually just roos. One time a neighbor stopped by and Angie was too lazy to get out of bed (there's a shocker). The neighbor said she forgot we have a dog! She goes to a doggie daycare that has an indoor area for the dogs to run, and according to the staff she is quite vocal. When we are walking and she hears other dogs bark she just looks at them. She sometimes gets this look on her face like "What is your problem?" The only time she has barked while on a walk was at night and a deer popped out of nowhere.

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Guest Rexanne

I believe Silver has only barked once in nearly the month we have had him. I say believe because I was not a eye witness to the event but heard one loud, big dog, bark from the backyard, which did not sound like any of the other neighbors dogs so I could be mistaken. He does like to monkey whine though and uses it liberally when he wants to go out or wants attention. He is know to growl once in a while but mostly in his sleep. This is a blessing compared to our previous dog who was a border collie who barked at every noise, the dishwasher, garbage disposal, doorbell, to be let out, to be let in, etc... lol miss him though.

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Guest firegypsy

Much to my husband's delight, mine BOTH bark. His only hang up in getting greys was that he wanted "guard dogs" which I assured him, greys were NOT.


Darby is hilarious and has a lovely roo-but only my daughter and I can get her going. She looks like a coyote baying at the moon. She closes her eyes and points her needle nose to the heavens.


Paladin is fairly quiet generally. HOWEVER they both turn into tough guys if someone dares to walk a dog past our house. Then they flip right on out and both bark like the dickens. I'm still unclear if they'll bark with a random person approaching. But yeah...a PSA to other dogs: don't mess with their turf!

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Shadow missed the memo as well. He is a very vocal hound. He roos at the coffee pot, barks when he is frisky and wants to play, walk, or be let out, he whimpers and whines almost every morning from 6 or 7 Am until we finally get up (Not desperate to potty, I think he just wants us to get up). He also emits an amusing assortment of sighs, groans and moans during the day while he readjusts his napping position. He also will bark if I am on the phone too long. I don't know if it is attention, or not liking a voice without a person to go with it in the room with me.


Funny thing is he does NOT bark at other dogs, but they all bark at him and he ignores them. When we go on walks, we joke " his milkshake brings all the dogs to the yard". One neighbor was distressed her boston terrier goes NUTS whenever shadow prances by, and has started giving her dog treats and saying, " It's Shadow! It's only Shadow! Have treats!" It is so odd, it's not like he makes any noise when he goes by, he only barks in the house! I wonder now, if her trainer has her training him to bark at my dog now. ( Inadvertantly)


Enjoy your silent hound. :)

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Guest Sunset123

I have a tiny girl with a BIG BARK. She also didn't get the memo about barking.


Our dogsitter thought it was hilarious when she had 5 greys at her house one day, and emergency vehicles drove by with sirens. The other 4 all threw their heads up and started rooing. Arrisa looks at the other dogs for a few seconds... and starts barking. She prefers to dance bark to a different drummer. :lol

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I've heard Molly bark maybe 6 times in the 18 mos I've had her that I can remember.

  • Once was when she needed to go out. And I didn't wake up with her whining.
  • Twice was because Miles Cat wouldn't let her leave a room (he stood in the doorway, blocking her). :lol
  • Twice was at small critters she was watching from a window...a fox and then a possum.
  • The most recent time was this weekend when she got to say hi to a neighborhood dog, Billy. Billy rolled onto his back, she sniffed his belly...and all of the sudden he bounced up and at her. She growled and barked (that's not the rules! she said). He barked back, and then they went about their butt sniffing. :rolleyes:

She's pretty quiet overall. And I like that about her!



Jennifer, Mike and the menagerie ---

Molly (Blue Sky Dreamin), Tinker (BT My Lil Girl) and their feline brothers Miles and Lewis

Visit Molly's Photo Album

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Guest Figmama

Well, not strictly true.


In the 8-1/2 years Sweetie has been with us, he has barked exactly 6 times... and the last 3 occurred within the last 3 months... single play-barks, issued while he was happily digging in his sandbox, play-bowing, as we watched.


But when a friend recently knocked on the front door and didn't get a response (I was lying down with the fan on, waiting for Advil to kick in), she could not believe that Sweetie did not bark.


Then again, he doesn't roo, even if we encourage him by playing vids of several rooing hounds featured here at GT, even if we both roo to egg him on. He just gives us A Look... the one that seems to say "What is wrong with you?" :rolleyes: Also, his whine will be wasted on the hard-of-hearing. He's a quiet hound.


Of course, this friend is not a dog person, not a dog family. She did recently acquire an adorable ankle-biter, and I must assume the little furball barks at any visit to her house. Good dog! But up till then it was birds, fish and cats.


I guess I should clarify the difference between 'racing hound' and 'guard dog' to her...


...or point out how well he understands the term "retired".



Anyone else have a 'Quiet Man' dog?


I could have written this!! Have had our grey for over 8 years and have maybe heard him bark a half a dozen times. He doesn't bark when someone comes to the door either. Guess if I want a guard dog, I'll get a Chihuahua. LOL

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