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Restricting Rooms And Peeing

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We got Jack a year ago, as a foster dog. :rolleyes: At the time, our dogs (Rascal and Ruby) had access to the entire house. Jack had a few accidents in the living room/dining room, so I put a gate up. We don't use those rooms that much, and I also wanted to keep the girls off of the furniture in there. The gate was a pain, but I wanted my furniture to stay nice, and not have to fight the girls over being on it all the time.


Over Thanksgiving I took the gate down, since we were having company. The dogs LOVE it in those rooms, so I decided to try allowing them to be in there--but not at night, and not when we aren't home. I just put a couple of dining room chairs in the doorway to keep them out. As expected, the girls were on the furniture again--so I put throws over it. THEN, I bought slip covers. I have the slip cover on the couch, and the weird thing is, since I put it on the girls haven't been on it ONCE. :blink: But I digress....


The point of the post is this: Last night we found a little bit of pee in there again. :angry: I know it had to be Jack, just because of where it was--right near the love seat. What is up with him??


ALSO--last night my DH found Jack on the love seat. Jack has never been on the furniture since he's been here, and I rather like it that way--well, I made him get off and my DH says that I am mean--the girls are allowed on, but not Jack? I contend that Jack has been fine without being on the furniture for a year, and I don't want to start that with him!! I bought the slip covers because, in March, we will be moving, and our living room furniture will be used daily--I wanted slip covers to protect the upholstery UNTIL THE GIRLS ARE GONE [they are 11], thinking to take them off and have my beautiful upholstery again, WITHOUT dogs getting on it. I really think I am right to NOT allow Jack on the furniture! He was on the love seat AFTER we found the pee.


ANYWAY....any ideas on why he pees in that room? He doesn't do it anywhere else in the house. Would he STOP peeing in there if they were allowed access to that room all the time; sort of like making it part of their 'sleeping area' with the thought that they won't soil their sleeping area?

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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As you said, you found 'a little bit' of pee - so my first guess is that he is marking, since marking is typically a smaller amount of tinkle.


Perhaps because that room is new to him because he hasn't had much access to it, he may have marked to claim that room as his.


This is my opinion, but I've only been a Greyhound owner for the past two months! :blush

Lauren the Human, along with Justin the Human, Kay the Cat and Bernie the Greyhound! (Registered Barney Koppe, 10/30/2006)


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Guest LindsaySF

I agree with you Lauren. :) It sounds like someone was marking. (Don't assume it was Jack though, unless you witnessed it or the pee is on the wall or something where the girls can't reach. You'd be surprised some of the stuff certain dogs get blamed for when it wasn't them after all :lol).


I would block access to that room when you can't be there to supervise. Also make sure you are completely removing the smell so it doesn't get marked on again (use an enzymatic cleaner for pet stains).

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I agree with you Lauren. :) It sounds like someone was marking. (Don't assume it was Jack though, unless you witnessed it or the pee is on the wall or something where the girls can't reach. You'd be surprised some of the stuff certain dogs get blamed for when it wasn't them after all :lol).


I would block access to that room when you can't be there to supervise. Also make sure you are completely removing the smell so it doesn't get marked on again (use an enzymatic cleaner for pet stains).

I'm pretty sure it's Jack. In the past, he has "misted" a flower arrangement I have in there [it's on the floor, obviously :rolleyes: ]...something the girls wouldn't be able to do. And truthfully, all the girls want to do in the living room is get on the couches--as long as they can do that they are happy and aren't going to mark. Not to mention, until Jack got here, there was never any marking in there.

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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