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Guest hshirlow

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Guest hshirlow

Sunshine has been having on and off diarrhea for the past week. It's not constant - at times, she goes completely normal and then she'll intermittently poop either liquid or a pudding-like consistency. She is hungry, no vomiting, but she's been eating grass frequently and then passes the grass undigested. Any advice? We've started putting some rice in her dog food, but now I'm wondering if it's time to go off dog food and onto a rice and ground meat diet. I wish I could give her some immodium or something :-)

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Guest Energy11

I'd go on a bland diet for a few days. Boiled chicken and rice and maybe some plain yogurt. You can give an Immodium AD or generic, (1) two times a day if needed for the diarrhea as well. There is an intestinal bug going around, from what I have heard. Sending good luck, hugs and prayers!

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Guest Stripeyfan

Try to stop her eating grass too, if it doesn't make her vomit it could be causing or contributing to the D as it's pretty undigestible. And yes, a bland diet for a few days is a greyt idea. Hope she feels better soon!

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Guest hshirlow

Another quick concern - she is shedding like crazy! She didn't shed all winter and had this luxurious coat. It's been shedding off of her for at least 3 weeks now. Inside her legs even looks a little raw. Should I be worried? Is this shedding normal? Now I'm wondering if she's sick or something, with the shedding and the diarrhea... And yet she plays and runs and eats away! She's been sunbathing, and normally in the heat she hides from the sun. She keeps laying on my deck and I have to beg her to come in for it's hot!

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Some advise against giving Immodium if diarrhea is ongoing for more than a day or two. If there are germs involved, a product like that just keeps them in the intestines for a longer time so they can be more destructive. One wants them out, not kept in! tongue.gif


Given your other concerns, a conversation with the vet might not be out of place. Any change in behavior is noteworthy, and her reversal of policy on sun/heat is interesting. I have no idea what it means, but the any-change-in-behavior rule is what I generally go by.


Edited to add: It's what I go by *now*, after spending months treating softserve yellow poop as if it were normal for a greyhound, only to end up with a dog with infected intestines and IBD. I learned my lesson.

Edited by greyhead
Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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