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Guest Samantha

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Guest Samantha

The past few daqys we've had to do a lot of walking im talking about 3 hours worth of waking a day, and mostly on hard concrete ground with lots of gravel about. Yesterday I noticed Maddison limping slightly so got my Dad to check her out, he checked her pads..nothing...manipulated her wrist..nothing. Today she is limping really badly, I havent taken her out and have checked her paws and wrists again. All i can see is a tiny tiny dark spot and i thought maybe she got some gravel or glass in it. She isnt yelping or wimpering or panting asthough she is in pain, and is quite content in herself.


Ive applied magnesium sulphate paste (epsom salt) and a bandage in the hope if there is something there it will draw it out.


As soon as i applied the bandage she is looking extremely sorry for herself.


Wondering if anyone had anymore ideas?


I dont want to run to the vet to incur huge charges if it really is nothing, my Dad thinks that she has maybe just sore paws or jarred her leg walking on the hard ground for so long.

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Guest Energy11

Sounds like it could be a case of sore pads.


You can buy some toddler sized socks and a set of booties for her, and try that. Even just trying the toddler socks (thick ones) taped on ***not too tightly, to see if that makes a difference in the limp.


Good Luck and I hope it is just sore pads.

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I just have to ask, why have you had to do so much walking?


Good luck with the limping problem!

Mary with Jumper Jack (2/17/11) and angels Shane (PA's Busta Rime, 12/10/02 - 10/14/16) and Spencer (Dutch Laser, 11/25/00 - 3/29/13).

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Guest Samantha

I just have to ask, why have you had to do so much walking?


Good luck with the limping problem!


Well we dont have a car at the moment, and because its been so hot here, and in the UK we dont have air conditioned houses ive been taking her out to walk my son to school and back and then to collect him, its so hot in the house and we dont like to leave windows open when we are out, and Maddison runs away fron the fan we leave on :lol:


She unraveled her bandage and when i looked closer and touched one pad she pulled away, so im likely to think she has something in it, bandage is back on with the magnesium sulphate, hopefully that will draw whatever it is out. Otherwise she is loving the fact my son has a huge panic on because she is limping and she is gettin loved on :lol:

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Guest UESBrindle

Twice William has stepped on either glass or tiny gravel and got something lodged in his pad. After the first vet visit, and because I could tell clearly the second time that he had something stuck in there, I did basically what you're doing-- I mixed epsom salt in warm water, soaked a wash cloth, wrapped it around his paw and put a plastic bag over it so it didn't get the carpet, sofa, etc. wet, let it sit for 5-10 min. while he's laying down, and I usually did that 3-4 times a day until it came out.


I would try and keep her walks to just what's necessary so it doesn't get too far in there and can work its way out.


Good luck!



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If there's nothing in the pad, it may be a corn. Check and see if she has one. It doesn't have to be a big obvious corn to cause her pain.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest Samantha

If there's nothing in the pad, it may be a corn. Check and see if she has one. It doesn't have to be a big obvious corn to cause her pain.


That was one of the 1st things we looked for, her pads look fine, apart from a tiny pin prick mark on the one she pulls away if u squeeze it gently. Lets hope whatever it is comes out and heals. I havent walked her today just let her in the yard, she done what she had to then came in and lay down looking like she had, just had major surgery, they way she is limping you would think she had cut a toe off!!!. Funny thing is though, you know ive had trouble getting her to eat, today she has ate without trouble and wolfed it down. Heres a thing aswell, when i put the bandage back on she limped n the other foot! then while i was looking at her in amazement went back to limping with the original foot. She deserves a oscar :lol:


Iwill definately keep checking for corns and maybe get some toddler socks as suggested.

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Guest Stripeyfan

Poor Maddison! Kelly sends a big :kiss2 and hopes it makes your paw all better. (A very slobbery, slightly chicken-y kiss, but it should help nonetheless!)

Edited by Stripeyfan
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Guest Samantha

Poor Maddison! Kelly sends a big :kiss2 and hopes it makes your paw all better. (A very slobbery, slightly chicken-y kiss, but it should help nonetheless!)


Maddison says she feels better already and lubsssss slobbery chicken-y kisses :lol:

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