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Lump In Neck/swollen Gland?

Guest deanna

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Met up with some friends with greyhounds today, one of their boys has a lump about the size of an olive in his neck, on the left side. Like a swollen gland maybe?


Any ideas? They're taking him to the vet Monday. He doesn't seem bothered or sick. But I told them I'd post here to see if others on here had insight or similar experiences. They're nervous about it, and they just lost one of their other greys suddenly a couple of days ago.


So, bring it on, good or bad.



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Where in the neck is it?


I ask, because we have had a similar issue with Naples (will be 10 next week). She had a lump right at the base of her mandible, where it joins the throat. With the advice of a vet, we assumed it was a dental abcess, given her history of horrible teeth, and she has been on antibiotics for two weeks.


Hers showed up very quickly. She is muzzled in the yard, and when I put her muzzle on, I place my hand under her chin. In the afternoon, the lump was not there, but right before bed, it was, and it was about the size of a tennis ball!


The vet prescribed cephalexin, 750 mg, three times a day. The lump has reduced, and is barely noticeable now. We may have to continue abx for another week, but this may beat it. If not, we will take the next step.


There is concern, of course, that it could be something more, like a swollen gland. We shall have to see...

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest mybabies3

Where in the neck is it?


I ask, because we have had a similar issue with Naples (will be 10 next week). She had a lump right at the base of her mandible, where it joins the throat. With the advice of a vet, we assumed it was a dental abcess, given her history of horrible teeth, and she has been on antibiotics for two weeks.


Hers showed up very quickly. She is muzzled in the yard, and when I put her muzzle on, I place my hand under her chin. In the afternoon, the lump was not there, but right before bed, it was, and it was about the size of a tennis ball!


The vet prescribed cephalexin, 750 mg, three times a day. The lump has reduced, and is barely noticeable now. We may have to continue abx for another week, but this may beat it. If not, we will take the next step.


There is concern, of course, that it could be something more, like a swollen gland. We shall have to see...



My experience in the past two weeks is as follows: My 9yr old male was acting fine, eating fine and still had all of his energy. I noticed that his lymph nodes were swollen on both sides of his neck and behind both of his back legs. I only let it go for two days before I took Schultz to the vet. I too thought it was a dental infection or abcess tooth due to him having poor teeth. The first look from the vet I knew it wasn't his teeth. He said he thought it was lymphoma. Two days later I took Schultz to an oncologist and with x-rays, bone marrow testing and blood work it was confirmed that it was lymphoma. He started chemo that day. He had his 2nd round of chemo yesterday. Hopefully with just one side of your friends dogs being swollen it is not the case and it is face something other then what Schultz has however, when in doubt, act immediately. Thank God, based on all of the tests it has been caught in the early stages. If it wasn't for the swollen nodes I would have never suspected anything wrong with Schultz. The vet said 9 times out of 10 the swollen nodes are the only tell tale sign of the disease.

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One of our dogs had a thyroid tumor in that spot.We successfully had it removed. Sounds like your friend is having a run of bad luck and I hope this problem goes away quickly!

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