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The Shelf I Was Dusting...

Guest Downtownhoundz

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Guest GreysAndMoreGreys

While dusting the area that my crew hangs out at, I find a calm comfort. Odd I know but it gives me time to just remove myself from this real world and chat with my Bridge Angels.

I take the utmost care in dusting their urns and chatting with them. Of course there are tears, of both joy and pain.


I feel we are blessed to share in these dogs lives.

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Guest 3greysinPA
Today as I was dusting the shelf where Kylie's ashes are, I lifted the box up for the first time since I put her there. Funny, I don't remember it being so heavy,but it must weigh at least five lbs. I paused for a moment,looking at it and tried to assimilate all that led up to her being there in a box. I put the box gently back down and went to her collars and picked up the last one she wore...bits of her beautiful white fur still clung to the inside of it.That drove it all home that she's not really gonna come back.It's four months now :gh_child

:( I'm so sorry. :grouphug

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Guest 3greysinPA

:grouphug:sad1:sad1 Everyone posting here as a beautiful story of a sweet greyhound who has passed on to the bridge, my heart breaks for each one of you posting here. Hugs to all of you. i have yet to know the pain of losing a greyhound, but i have lost my German Shep. in the past, it was a somber goodbye to her as i knew all to well she would no longer be in pain but none the less very difficult to swallow. She is always with me in my thoughts of her when she was alive and well.

Rest in peach beautiful hounds and dogs ... Run Free Pain Free and play at the bridge. :(:cry1






My forever girl...how I miss her ! :blush

Adorable :( I'm so sorry.

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Guest Vinnie

As I sit here with the tears rolling down my face yet again, I can see Kylie in my minds eye, in so many pictures that you have shared. I can see her in the excitement of Gracie and Guzzie everytime they got new jimjams and just knew that Kylie was in the package too. I see her in the jimjams that matched Gracie's specal pair. And I can see her right there with you, always. Hugs.

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