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My Poor Old Frankie...

Guest FullMetalFrank

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Took Chelsa to lure course practice today; for practice we just run a 200 yard straight sprint, usually do three rounds... well Frank was with us and I usually let him run one short sprint just because he loves it, and it's just him out there so no pressure. Well today will be his last hurrah at chasing the bunny. His gait was off and when I caught him at the end I noticed he had torn his dew claw again (he tore it completely off a few years ago.) He tried so hard to get a good take-off at the start line that he almost went a$$ over teakettle and I think that is when he got hurt. Poor old guy just doesn't have "it" anymore so I told him no more... I walked him off the field and got out the first aid kit, got him bandaged, finished Chelsa's last run then brought him home and did a more thorough clean-up and bandage job. Rimadyl and Keflex; he is resting comfortably. The claw is still attached; just twisted some. I was able to put it back in place but you can tell it is pulled loose at the base. I presume it will fall off on its own but if it looks like it'll be a problem, I'll take him in to the vet. I just feel so bad for him, he wanted to run so bad and I think even he knows he's just getting to old to be safe.

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Guest RocketDog

Poor Frank! He was just trying to do a little hotroddin'


We've been lucky, and even with the dogs routinely somersaulting at the end of their sprints in an effort to catch the 'bunny' all we've ever walked away with are bruises and grass stains. We just do the practice sprints, never tried an actual lure course setup.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Yeah; I just let Frank run a practice sprint now and again, he will be 10 in January. He is still in good shape; he just never has been the most coordinated of dogs and now that he's older it's showing. Also I think his old groin injury has started to bother him with too much exercise. I think he will be just fine being an ordinary couch potato from now on and letting Chelsa be the runner in the family. She is going for the second half of her JC next month.


We weren't the only "walking wounded" at practice today, two of the whippets had minor owies, one a line burn and the other looks like he got nipped by his running mate when they were at the end catching the bunny. Oh, and I whacked myself in the face with the wet, soggy rabbit fur "bunny" that is attached to the plastic bags; it rained a little and the bunny was in a sorry state! Eeeeewwww...

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Guest FullMetalFrank

He is a little mopey this morning about the bandage but as soon as he sees the cookie jar come out, he's his bouncy normal self! He's gonna be fine... I just love my sweet big boy.

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Guest ArtysPeople

Poor Frank, but glad to hear he's feeling better. After his latest injury, Arty has been banned from lure coursing too, but man do they love it! We always wrap the dew claws with vet wrap before a dog runs the course, because they get injured so easily. I never realized why people did it before I started lure coursing, but I'm now a supporter of removing dew claws when they're tiny puppies, just because as adult dogs they injure so easily.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Updated 7-17;


Well we are back from our camping trip and Frankie is doing just fine. Second day we were gone it was time for a bandage change and when I pulled the gauze off, the claw came with it; wound looks nice and healthy so he is sans bandage, wish I could say the same for me! (see post in OT about my ordeal with my hysterectomy incision...) Anyways he had a nice wade in the ocean after his bandage came off and I know that felt good. Both him and Chelsa loved walking on the beach and having a quick dip in the ocean.

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