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Dang It! *** Updated May 30, She's Better!

Guest FullMetalFrank

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Guest FullMetalFrank

We took the pups to the fenced schoolyard today to work on recall and to give Chels a chance to stretch her legs a bit (after her lure coursing meet last weekend she was stiff and pretty sore, and was scratched for Sunday's run) First time she took off, her rear end slipped out from under her and then she hopped a little bit for a few steps after. She is still (almost imperceptibly but it's there) favoring her left rear leg. I have felt her up and down, checked range of motion which seems fine, no obvious tears or sprain, no swelling or bruising. What is the best course of action to get her better? I am just now getting her to a nice weight and level of fitness; she was chubby and very soft when we got her and now she is finally starting to look like a greyhound again; she loves to run and loves to chase even more. We will be restricting her to leash walks only for awhile now, but for how long? I gave her half a rimadyl right after we got home and it's long since worn off, and she does not seem to be painful, just a little bit guarded of that rear leg.

Edited by FullMetalFrank
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Guest Energy11

I don't run mine, mostly for that reason ... injuries, but they are also ages 7+, and you guys (lure coursers) know what you are doing, I don't.


I'd keep her on the Rimadyl, and limit activity for at least a week. In HUMANS sprains and strains are actually WORSE than breaks, as you might know. If she isnt' any better after a few days, might want to x-ray, just to be safe.


Good luck with this! We are thinking of you! D

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

How old is your girl? If she is younger than 8 or so, I wouldnt do anything. If she is older than 9, maybe a visit to the vet as a precaution would be wise. If younger than 9, I would monitor your girl and give it a few days. If the limp gets more pronounced, or she goes lame all together in that leg, then a vet visit. I have a boy (5yrs) that is at his race weight, and a girl that is within 1 lb of race weight, and I take them both to the local dog park for a run at least once a week. I do that so they stay in shape and help prevent any injuries down the road from a greyhound being in poor physical shape when they try to do a sprint. My boy was retired because of a rear hock shatter. I still let him run. Last fall, he ran 43mph at a fun run. I have seen my boy limp a few times, but nothing continual. The first and second time I immediately went to the vet, xrays and worrying led to nothing. That is why I would say give it a few days to see the progression. I was actually at the park today and my girl slipped when she was chasing a jack russel, no big deal. I am sure there are others here that will disagree with me, but I believe that our greyhounds need to stay in as close to racing shape as possible to maintain a healthy dog for as long as possible.



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Guest FullMetalFrank

Thanks for the input! Chelsa just turned 7. Today I stretched her out a little, checking her range of motion again (gently of course!) and she did pull back at the very end when I extended her leg out behind her; so I think she is a little sore. Rest and massages for the next few days, and gentle stretching, and hopefully she will be all better in a couple of weeks.

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Guest FullMetalFrank

Update, Saturday May 30; she is better, yay!!! After resting for a couple of days, no running, gentle stretching exercises, and massage, my little girl is fit as a fiddle again. I was tentative about letting her go to practice today but after the last couple of days with really good results from the stretching and massage, and no sign of soreness, we opted to give it a go. She ran 3 100 yard straight sprints at the practice field, getting quicker each time and she looked really good and was feeling good, and no soreness after. I am very glad. She is never really so pleased with herself as when she is chasing that "bunny" and just being around the other dogs. There was actually another NGA grey at practice today; but he did not seem so happy to chase, apparently not his cup of tea! He seemed a little shy and reserved. He ran his first run without much enthusiasm and the second time, decided he wanted to go right back to his Mom! Pretty red fawn boy; his people also had two lovely young Borzoi. And we had Afghans and the usual whippets and a couple of well mannered mutts whose owners thought they'd like the opportunity to try it out for exercise, I have not seen a pittie pup coursing before but he loved it, as did his shepherd mix sister, they were fun! Oh, and an IG that I thought DF was going to try and smuggle home with him! He caught the dog for his owner and the little guy jumped right up into his arms. Next thing I hear is "I want one!"


Anyways we had fun and I am most happy that Chels is going to be able to continue with coursing! I may let her run in an LGRA meet in late June (200 yard straight sprints) just for the exercise.

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Guest KennelMom

Glad to hear she's doing better!! :thumbs-up LGRA sounds like a great way to keep up with her conditioning and hopefully easier on her joints and feet.

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