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Jack Is At The Vet, Need Your Positive Thoughts!

Guest Flysmom

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Guest Flysmom

Jack is home!!

The vet told me that trying to get tissue for the biopsy was a 'bugger bear' because the tumor is wrapped around all his major arteries and nerves. :eek He is acting normal and happy and wants his snacks! The kids are happy that he is home and Cisco (who was moping while he was gone) just looked at him and trotted off to take a nap.

We will have to wait 10days for the biopsy results. I will get water to my friend to have it tested and will start calling the water people and the Parish Health Unit again on Tuesday. I guess they flushed the lines yesterday because the water did not smell like bleach, instead it smell like rust...


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Guest Flysmom

I saw that I had a message on the answering machine last night but I was too tired to listen to it. Well, Dr Woodward called and told me that he usually does not leave messages like this but he is out of the office today... The Biopsy results are back...

It is Thyroidcarcinoma!!!! :(:( He asked me to call him on Monday to discuss possible TX for Jack!!! I am so upset right now, I don't know what to do!!!

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