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How Do You Sneak Pills To Your Grey?

Guest QuickNLazy

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Guest KyGrey
I gave up trying to trick my pups, because they're all too smart. :rolleyes: So now I just use the "down-the-hatch" method. Open jaws, poke pill as far back into the throat as possible, close jaws. And hope you get it right the first time. :lol


That's pretty much what I do. :rolleyes: I've tried different things and still do on occasion but for the most part the quickest way is just open up, shove pill in, close mouth, rub throat and it's done. :colgate

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Guest BlackandBrindle
Grasp upper jaw. Wrapping upper lips under teeth slightly, pull mouth open. Shove pill waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay down throat. Close mouth and hold closed till swallow occurs. "Good dog!" and a cookie or a blob of peanutbutter to lick.


Probably sounds mean to the uninitiated, but they get to know when it's time for pills and will show up for the procedure on their own.


I vote for this method too and use it since I give Spencer around 7 pills morning and evening wrapping them up in food would make a very fat dog! :lol



Yup! If either of the dogs hear the drawer open where I keep the pills, they both come running!

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