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Wrapping Paws For Coursing

Guest kineticpoet

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Guest kineticpoet

I truly apologize if this topic has been done to death somewhere, I tried searching for it but couldn't find exactly the information I was looking for. I'm still new, so I haven't figured out the best way to search the forum yet.


I'm taking my grey coursing this weekend, on the 19th. Just a fun run, because I haven't gotten his AKC # information yet, and I'm not sure how [if you happen to have info on that, I'd really appreciate it!]


He hasn't ran since January when he tore up his pads pretty good. I have not wrapped his feet before, but my friend who has a Whippet really swears by it. I didn't see any other grey's there taped up like the Afghans or the Whippets so I wasn't sure if that's needed?


Could anyone give me some advice on how to wrap a paw for coursing? The track will be grass, I'm hoping green grass because of the time of year but it may be the dead stuff on top of rock-hard clay (I live in AZ) if the track condition will matter.


This one has 2 less really sharp turns than it did the last time he ran. I think he really tore his pads up (front feet only) when he stopped dead in his tracks at the end and went bananas on the lure. He basically did a skid stop (like if there were sound effects this 'errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrch')


Thanks!! :)


Crystal & Draco

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I am taking my girl for her JC tsts in May; I'll be asking the gal who runs the practices we go to for info on how to tape. The main purpose is to keep the dew claws from getting torn, so usually only the front legs are taped. KennelMom (Heather) may chime in with some more info.


I just got Chelsa's PAL/ILP from AKC. It took about three weeks from the time I sent the application in until we got it back. You get the application from the AKC website and you need to send in a copy of the spay/neuter certificate (or verification from your vet that they are neutered), photos (there are instructions) the dog's pedigree, etc... plus a $35 fee. For AFSA sponsored events I think all you need is your greyhound's certificate and volume number which you can get frim the NGA by calling them with the tattoo numbers (someone correct me if I am wrong.)

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Guest kineticpoet
I am taking my girl for her JC tsts in May; I'll be asking the gal who runs the practices we go to for info on how to tape. The main purpose is to keep the dew claws from getting torn, so usually only the front legs are taped. KennelMom (Heather) may chime in with some more info.


I just got Chelsa's PAL/ILP from AKC. It took about three weeks from the time I sent the application in until we got it back. You get the application from the AKC website and you need to send in a copy of the spay/neuter certificate (or verification from your vet that they are neutered), photos (there are instructions) the dog's pedigree, etc... plus a $35 fee. For AFSA sponsored events I think all you need is your greyhound's certificate and volume number which you can get frim the NGA by calling them with the tattoo numbers (someone correct me if I am wrong.)


Thanks for the info!! The group I'm working with does both the AKC and AFSA but no more AFSA events posted yet... :(


My grey doesn't have dew claws... he paws at his face a LOT so I'm assuming they were removed for safety reasons - at least that is what I prefer to think happened!


I hope your girl does well in her JC tests!!

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Guest KennelMom

Most greyhound folks (around here) wrap...I do for most of my dogs, Except for Echo b/c she hates it and runs much better without the wrap. However, the ground condition absolutely does matter and the wetter/softer the grass is, the easier it is on the paws. If the ground were dry and hard, even Echo would have her feet wrapped regardless.


Everyone has their own method for wrapping and I've seen everything from toes/feet and legs almost completely wrapped to just one wrap around the dew claw. Your best bet is to ask a greyhound or whippet person to show you how they wrap so you can make sure you aren't wrapping too tightlyor too thickly (thick vet wrap around the bendy joints can impede the movement of that joint). If you don't know anyone at the trial, you can ask someone with the club or on the field committee (at inspection is a good time...that will give them time to find someone to help you). If I'm wrapping because of dry ground, I start low on the big paw pad (about half of it covered) and do maybe two overlapping turns...then just wrap it on up the leg until the dew claw is covered. The length I need for most dogs is from my elbow to the middle of my palm. I prefer two inch vet wrap, though I keep some 4 inch on hand too for when I just want to wrap around the dew claw area. Another reason to wrap the lower leg is to prevent line burns from contact with a moving line. If, for some reason, the dog becomes tangled in the line, the vet wrap may give the dog the split second extra cushion they need to protect their leg until they can cut the line. If the club is running a drag lure, this isn't an issue, but tangle ups can happen with continuous loop lures. Some folks also tape, but I could never get the hang of that even though they showed me a couple times. :rolleyes:


In the dryer months I also use a spray on the pads designed to protect the pads of hunting dogs (they also have them for sled dogs). Not 100% sure it helps tremendously, but it seemed the dogs had a lot fewer pad burns after I started using it. Oh...I only buy black or white vet wrap. The dog can't wear pink, blue or yellow wrap (even if it matches their assigned jacket color) and white/black just makes sure no one will have an issue with the wrap color (some reds and purples might look pink or blue). That's a little tid bit I didn't know when I first started (ASFA rule).


If you are running AKC, you do have to have an ILP number...though I believe they may let you enter and put "applied for" on the entry form (double check w/the Field Trial Secretary). If running ASFA, you can enter a dog with their NGA volume and certificate number, which you can get by calling the NGA and give them your dog's racing name.


Good luck and have fun!!

Edited by KennelMom
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Guest Cris_M

KennelMom is right with "Your best bet is to ask a greyhound or whippet person to show you how they wrap...."


Shoot, ask them to wrap your pup's feet. They will probably be glad to do it, and you will see exactly how it should be done.


Have fun!

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When we did straight racing with a friends' Whippet, we used a heavy duty medical tape (I don't recall the name of it). We taped semi-loosely, from just above the large pad on the front foot, to just above where the dew claw would be (his have been removed). In his case, I think it was overkill, because the ground was never very hard, but the owner wanted us to do it, so we did.


But, if the ground is dry and hard, wrapping is likely a good thing to do, especially with Greyhounds and Whippets. Coated breeds' skin tends to be thicker, because it needs to be to support the coat. Therefore, you don't see the same type of problems with torn pads.


By the way, if you plan to course your dog, I HIGHLY recommend the book Sighthounds Afield by Denise Como (if you want an ISBN, I can get one - I have a copy, but it's not handy). It gives info on taping, first-aid, conditioning, dangers to watch for, and the like. It is SO GOSH-DARN informative!

Sarah, the human, Henley, and Armani the Borzoi boys, and Brubeck the Deerhound.
Always in our hearts, Gunnar, Naples the Greyhounds, Cooper and Manero, the Borzoi, and King-kitty, at the Rainbow Bridge.

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Guest kineticpoet
When we did straight racing with a friends' Whippet, we used a heavy duty medical tape (I don't recall the name of it). We taped semi-loosely, from just above the large pad on the front foot, to just above where the dew claw would be (his have been removed). In his case, I think it was overkill, because the ground was never very hard, but the owner wanted us to do it, so we did.


But, if the ground is dry and hard, wrapping is likely a good thing to do, especially with Greyhounds and Whippets. Coated breeds' skin tends to be thicker, because it needs to be to support the coat. Therefore, you don't see the same type of problems with torn pads.


By the way, if you plan to course your dog, I HIGHLY recommend the book Sighthounds Afield by Denise Como (if you want an ISBN, I can get one - I have a copy, but it's not handy). It gives info on taping, first-aid, conditioning, dangers to watch for, and the like. It is SO GOSH-DARN informative!


Thanks for the recommendation, I'll take a look in to the book!! :)

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