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New Adopted Family

Guest greyfamily

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Guest CDNgreys

Welcome. :wave

I've been adopting greys from Bill since 2001.

Most recently I adopted in December and again in February.


Your boys are very handsome.



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Guest greyfamily

Thanks everyone!!!


Turner is home now and doing really well. He is still panting a lot but I think that is normal. His introduction to our cats was interesting but things are improving!!!!


I love having him home!!! But I am the "nervous Momma" now. :unsure I am hoping things will get better as we learn about him and he about us. Thanks for the warm welcome and please keep the grety info coming!!!!



Here are a few pictures more to come soon.









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Guest Capslock

Great looking dog - looks like my Satchel! He's certainly not skinny like most new adoptees.


If all he's doing is a little panting, it's going well! LOL! He will calm down a lot in the near future, and you'll start seeing his personality come through. Keep us posted!

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Guest greyfamily

Thanks everyone again,


Turner is doing great at home. He even went to bed last night before we did and there was no panting!!!! I look at that as a great sign!!!

Our cats on the other hand are not doing so well, but hopefully time will help. Because of this we have decided not to adopt Joe. We feel that we should be a one pup home for awhile and that way we can give all our love to Turner.

This was a REALLY hard decision but we feel it is better to make it now before he comes home than after and risk a bounce. :(


I hope eveyone can understand that we made this decision with our beautiful pups in mind!!!


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Guest CDNgreys

Aww, that's too bad. You have Joe's best interest at heart, I'm sure he'll find another home in no time.

Enjoy spoiling Turner!!!

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