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Billy Has A Big Toe...

Guest Whippet

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Guest Whippet

About 2 weeks ago, Billy ran out the door cause it was not latched properly, saw a cat and ran after the cat and the cat won... That part was kinda funny... Then, he started limping and I noticed his exterior toe on the right hind foot was bigger and kinda red. I waited a couple days and it didn't get better so I took him to the vet.


200$ later, two Xrays, an anti-inflamatory medication, and a lot of rest, it still is very swollen.


The vet saw no broken bone, thought it was just a sprain...


What do you think? Have you ever had a greyhound with a very swollen toe?


Thanks in advance...


Love and kisses to all your fur babies...



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Guest RocketDog

Ohhh, their toes. I've had BOTH of my dogs 'wonkify' the same dang toe(on both my pups it's the outside toe on their right front foot, so not a weight-bearing toe), at different times. We did the same thing - Xrays that led to nothing, anti-inflammatories, the whole bit. The vet we spoke with said that keeping them quiet and letting things settle was the easiest route, and the swelling went down after a few days.


Our pups will go a little limpy on their 'bum foot' after a long day of really HARD running, but other than that their toes don't seem to bother them for the time being. I won't hesitate to amputate the problem toes if they get hurt again, but for now we just pay extra attention during playtime and they're good to go.


Good luck with Billy's toe!

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

I have had the exact same thing. I was outside with my big boy running like a nutball around the yard when I heard a loud click sound. At the same time, Bart slowed down from a full run, to a trot. He didnt want to run anymore. We went inside, and in a few hours, he was limping around. I checked his feet, and the outside left toe was swollen. We gave him two days to stop limping, when he didnt stop limping, we went to the vet. Long story short, no damage. The only explanation I got was a dislocated toe that popped back into the socket. I have since spoken with many grey owners and they all pretty much have had the same experience. My guy does still run. In fact, we took him to a fun run at GPA Wisconsin this summer and he was clocked at 43mph. No worries.



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Berkeley broke his toe about 6 months ago. It's never returned back to the same size. We re-x-rayed and it healed fine, but it's likely scar tissue. It doesn't slow him down, so I don't worry about it too much.


Was the foot splinted at all? Is it bothering him?



With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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Guest Whippet
Was the foot splinted at all? Is it bothering him?


The foot, according to the X-rays and the vet, has nothing. The toe is huge and he doesn't walk on it. It doesn't prevent him from running like crazy but on three feet. That's why I'm worried and I don't want to return to the vet's, pay another 200$ for basically nothing.


If someone had a similar experience and finally found what the problem was, it would help, I could talk about it to the vet and then, we could really find a solution...






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A few months ago I noticed Romi's toe was swollen and discolored. Then the nail looked like it was loose, and then it started to have a discharge. Vet thought maybe a nail bed infection had moved in, however it turned out to be squamous cell carcinoma.


We ended up having his toe off at my suggestion. The vet did not bring this up and would have kept treating for either a soft tissue injury or a nail bed infection if I'd let him.


Definitely keep an eye on it.


Tempo (Keep the Tempo), Nora (Road Noise) & Gabe the babe (Gable Habenero), Cooper (Uncle Bud's Coop), Topper (Red Top), & Galgos Lisette & Manolito. Missing our beloved angels Cody (Kiowa My Dodie), Lou (Cantankerous Lou), Romi (FingerRoll), Connie (Devie's Concord), Millie (Djays Overhaul), Bailey (Hallo Forty nine), Andy (Iza Handy Boy, and Rocco (Ripley Rocco), Gracie (VS Megan), Eragon the Longdog, Joey (WJS Flashfire), Roy (Folly and Glory)

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