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I Think Lego Is Sick

Guest the36thchamber

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Guest the36thchamber

Late Sunday night, my wife and I took him out for his last pee break of the night. Everything was fine but right as we were about to walk in the door, I noticed he has of all things, a piece of chicken in his mouth. I freaked out and yanked it away from him but not before he had eaten half of it. I really didn't think all that much of it at first. Monday morning, I had to drive my wife to work and on the way, he whined a few times which he never ever whines in the car. After I dropped my wife off at work, I took Lego to the dog park. We played for about half an hour and while we were there, he had diarrhea which is no surprise to me. I don't know if it's the excitement of being able to run around but he always gets diarrhea at the dog park. Afterward, we came home and he was knocked out for hours. I figured that he was just tired from being out playing. I finally grabbed him and woke him up because I had to go and pick my wife up. I stopped at petco because I had some coupons for some free food. While we were inside, he pee's which is really unusual for him, he never pee's inside. I noticed that he seemed to have absolutely no energy what so ever, even getting in the car seemed a chore. Then this morning (Tuesday) I took him for a thirty minute walk. He pooed normal but on the way back, he threw up, ya know, the yellow foamy bile throw up. He then had diarrhea again. I brought him home and tried to feed him his breakfast like I usually do but he wouldn't eat. Oh one thing I left out is that last night, I fed him some of the new dog food that is supposed to be better than what I normally feed him. This is what I tried to feed him this morning that he wouldn't eat. I finally threw his food away and gave him a biscuit which he woofed down. I thought, hmmm, that's interesting, so I gave him another and he woofed that down too. I then fixed him a plate of his normal food, not the new food but he wouldn't eat it. I use raised food dishes and oddly enough, when I took the dish of the stand and put it in front of him where he was laying, he ate it. It took him a bit but he ate it. All day he seemed lethargic so I tried to play with him with his squeeky toy and he played and seemed to have fun, just not a lot of energy. I took him for a walk and then tried to feed him again, same thing happened, on the raised stand, he wouldn't eat it but when I put it on the floor in front of him, he ate it. He doesn't seem like himself, like on our walk, he looked tired and looked to be laboring a bit as he walked. It reminded me of how I feel the couple of times that I've had food poisoning. I gave him some imodium this morning and he hasn't had diarrhea again but he hasn't pooed again either. He has been drinking water though which I know is good.


So what does everyone think? I'm thinking that the piece of chicken he ate Sunday night upset his belly and the fact that I gave him new food on top of the made things worst. He only ate the new food once and after that, I went back to his old food. Why is won't eat from his raised dish, I'm thinking he's just feeling a little bad and doesn't really have the energy to get up and eat. I mean, hey, I feel that way sometimes when I'm sick.


We made an appointment for him at the vet tomorrow morning but I'm still curious to know what everyone thing. I'm such a worrier and this is my baby and yeah, I just wanna scream.

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Guest taylorsmom

I am glad you are taking him to the vet also. Could you tell if the chicken piece was raw or cooked? If cooked, then the bones would be a worry.

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Guest the36thchamber
I am glad you are taking him to the vet also. Could you tell if the chicken piece was raw or cooked? If cooked, then the bones would be a worry.


The chicken was cooked and as far as I could see, it was boneless.


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Guest taylorsmom
I am glad you are taking him to the vet also. Could you tell if the chicken piece was raw or cooked? If cooked, then the bones would be a worry.


The chicken was cooked and as far as I could see, it was boneless.

Oh, good. Maybe just a bit too much bacteria for poor Lego--I am sure the vet will be able to help.

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Since he seems so tired, check his gums and see if they're nice and pink. If they are very pale it could be a sign of bleeding internally.



edited to add; If his gums are nice and pink, I'd give his tummy a chance to rest. Don't feed him anything for a few hours. He may have just caught a bug of some sort. Make sure he's drinking plenty of water and keep the vet appointment you made.

Edited by JillysFullHouse

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Guest the36thchamber
Since he seems so tired, check his gums and see if they're nice and pink. If they are very pale it could be a sign of bleeding internally.



edited to add; If his gums are nice and pink, I'd give his tummy a chance to rest. Don't feed him anything for a few hours. He may have just caught a bug of some sort. Make sure he's drinking plenty of water and keep the vet appointment you made.


My wife and I just checked and yes his gums are nice and pink, that's a good one, thanks for letting me know. We aren't going to feed him anymore tonight and then we're taking him to the vet at 8am tomorrow.

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I would definitely keep a close eye on him since it does sound like he is 'off'. Don't feed him anything different from his normal diet (the new food or treats) just in case his tummy is upset. If he is ok on rice....you could try a bland diet of rice and boiled chicken (or eggs) instead of his kibble. I would make sure he is drinking enough and see how he progresses. If he gets worse quickly, take him to the evet. Please update after your vet visit. :goodluck:hope

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Guest the36thchamber
I would definitely keep a close eye on him since it does sound like he is 'off'. Don't feed him anything different from his normal diet (the new food or treats) just in case his tummy is upset. If he is ok on rice....you could try a bland diet of rice and boiled chicken (or eggs) instead of his kibble. I would make sure he is drinking enough and see how he progresses. If he gets worse quickly, take him to the evet. Please update after your vet visit. :goodluck:hope


My wife just called me, it's midnight, she's at home and I'm at work... she told me that Lego had a normal poo which is a very good sign but she says he still looks a bit lethargic but it's also midnight and bed time. We're still gonna take him to the vet though and I will update.


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Another thing - any time your pup is lethargic, take a temp. It's very simple with a digital thermometer. If you've never done it before, ask your vet today when you're in there to show you how :)


Hope it's nothing serious.

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Hoping Lego is feeling much better soon. :grouphug


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Guest BlueCrab

Not to be overly dramatic, but where'd the chicken come from?? If you've got a fenced yard, any chance it was tossed into your yard by a neighbor with mal intent? Someone bothered by a dog barking (even if it wasn't Lego) or angered by finding poo on their lawn (again, even if it wasn't Lego's)? Neighbors can come up with crazy things sometimes.


As I said, I'm not trying to be overly dramatic, but I was the object of a neigbor's FURY many years ago, and things like this worry me. The nieghbor in question called animal control on me and wanted my cat seized because it ran around my 2nd floor apartment and upset his peace and quiet. I countered with the threat to turn him in for his illegal daycare that he was running out of his first floor apartment, at which point he threatened to poison my cat if he ever saw it. And then my sister lost a labrador to poisoning from just such a neighbor who was angered by barking and tossed tainted meat into her yard.


I hope it's simply an upset tummy with Lego and my first paragraph is simply folderal. But if there's any chance that something was "planted" with bad intent, I'd keep it in mind when you visit the vet.

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Guest the36thchamber
Not to be overly dramatic, but where'd the chicken come from?? If you've got a fenced yard, any chance it was tossed into your yard by a neighbor with mal intent? Someone bothered by a dog barking (even if it wasn't Lego) or angered by finding poo on their lawn (again, even if it wasn't Lego's)? Neighbors can come up with crazy things sometimes.


As I said, I'm not trying to be overly dramatic, but I was the object of a neigbor's FURY many years ago, and things like this worry me. The nieghbor in question called animal control on me and wanted my cat seized because it ran around my 2nd floor apartment and upset his peace and quiet. I countered with the threat to turn him in for his illegal daycare that he was running out of his first floor apartment, at which point he threatened to poison my cat if he ever saw it. And then my sister lost a labrador to poisoning from just such a neighbor who was angered by barking and tossed tainted meat into her yard.


I hope it's simply an upset tummy with Lego and my first paragraph is simply folderal. But if there's any chance that something was "planted" with bad intent, I'd keep it in mind when you visit the vet.


I live in a condo, we have communal yards. Along the area where I think he picked it up from are a row of patios where people BBQ a lot. The chicken looked BBQ'd so I'm sure that it came from one of those patios. Why it was thrown out where Lego could and did grab it, I really have no idea.

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