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Feeding Times

Guest lauri

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Guest lauri

It seemed that Miles had been doing better on three smaller meals rather than two full meals when he finally started eating again. Kind of weird last night, and yesterday morning was the first full meal I had given him. Last night no dinner and acting 'funny' again. Mike picked up another round of the Sulfacrate, gave him one and he's fine now!


One thing I did different yesterday and the night before was to give him the Famotidine 1/2 to 1 hour before his meal. In April, when I gave him the Famotidine on an empty stomach he went 'funny' and threw it up - no eating afterwards. I never gave it after that.


This time until I asked advice here, was to give the Famotidine in with a meal and he was fine. I'm wondering if we're just better off giving it in a meal.


Anyone notice their dog is better off putting the Pepcid in the food? I suppose either way it works, eh?


And maybe it's best to keep him on three meals rather than two?

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I'd probably keep him on three meals if you are around to feed him those at fairly regular times. If it seems to suit him better and it's not too much trouble for you, it might be all he needs having his food more spread out and not to have his tummy too full at any one time.

Sue from England


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