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Pannus Treatments

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Just wondering what those that are treating are using and what the results have been?


We started our dog on NeoPolydex and Cyclosporine both about 4 1/2 years ago. She's been getting daily drops of both since. During the checkups in the first 18-24 mos the ophtlamologist was seeing improvements to the point that for the last couple years she's seen no signs of Pannus in the eyes.


We just had another checkup today which again confirmed there's no signs of it(though starting to show some age related cataracts). I have to admit I'm always surprised to hear this as I didn't know it could actually go away. I've been really happy we've seen such good results over the years.


Is this typical?

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Guest tampagreymom

My 7-year-old Jade was diagnosed in March with mild Pannus in both eyes. Her opthalmologist told me it can be managed, not cured. She gets Prednisolone and Cyclosporine drops on alternate days and a check-up with the doctor every 6 months. From my understanding, it will be a lifelong treament for her and won't go away. She did have one flare-up recently where I had to increase the drops for a few days but no other problems from it.

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Guest greytmonty

Monty has had the diagnosis for about three months. He gets daily Prednisolone drops, one per eye once per day. He will see the opth vet in April and we hope to get him switched to Cyclosporine at that point.

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Tipper has had Pannus for four years. He started on NeoPolyDex daily, and over a year gradually weaned down to twice weekly, which is his "maintenance dose." Seems to be doing the trick. It's not "cureable" as it will come right back if I stop the eyedrops, but it receded so much that regular vets can't even see it.

~Aimee, with Flower, Alan, Queenie, & Spodee Odee! And forever in my heart: Tipper, Sissy, Chancy, Marla, Dazzle, Alimony, and Boo. This list is too damned long.

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It's not "cureable" as it will come right back if I stop the eyedrops, but it receded so much that regular vets can't even see it.


yes, exactly what we're experiencing. I didn't realize though that the affects would actually go away with the treatments, I originally was under the impression that the progress would be stopped by the drops but what the doctor was originally seeing would always be there.


Like I said, I'm pleased of course that this is the case.


I'm also pleased that whenever I take Lucy in she always checks Ziggy as well as part of the office visit(I can't leave him alone at home so he comes along as moral support). This means should anything develop(so far at 7 nothing has) it'll be caught really early since we're in twice a year...

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