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Duncan Says Thanks To Ss

Guest Cris_M

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Deer Secrit Santa,


Thanx you fer de wunnerful prezzie. My mommy took lots of pix of me sos you could see how much fun I had.....




"Hey, Dad, it's frum my Seecrit Santa! Loox like sum dum reindeer sat on my box. Will it be okay?"

Dad: "Duncan, Santa is very powerful and magical. I bet it will be just fine."




"Kool box! Is der sumpin unner da box?"

Dad: "No, Duncan, I think Santa put something in the box."

"Open it now, open it now!"




"Ooooh! Snax! Dis is berry, berry tastee."

Dad: "Duncan, I don't think it is to eat. It's a hat."

"A HAT!!!!! I has neber had a hat. I knows I is good lookin', but I's bes eben better looking now. Put it on, put it on!"




Dad: "Here we go, Duncan."




"It be a hansum hat, Daddy. Almos as hansum as me. Santa is a bery good prezzie giver."

Dad: "Yes, Duncan, and Bowwow Bonnets has some excellent elves, too."



http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc190/Cris_Kirk/IMGP2667crop.jpg" target="_blank">http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc190/C...MGP2667crop.jpg

"Santa, I tink Mommee needs a hat, too. A rilly rilly BIG one!"




Dis is me showing off my extreme gorgeosity to my skin brudder, Adam. See how sad his dawg, Lobster, looks? Dat is becuz I gots a cool hat frum Santa. Thank you, Santa! You be da bestest!!!!!


Yur frind,



(Edited in hopes that phots will show up!)

Edited by Cris_M
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Obviously, Duncan has the best Secret Santa ever! He has even stopped trying to eat his hat, and has figured out that he gets lots of compliments and attention with it on. (Like he was all pitiful and alone without it, huh?) It is hysterical, something I would have never thought to get for him and absolutely wonderful. Now I know why folks go bonkers for BowWow Bonnets!


Thanks again SS!

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Duncan would love to have his picture in a gallery. I hear BowWow Bonnets' gallery is even better than the Louvre. Let me know if you need another picture.


Cris and the getting-more-stuck-up-every-minute-Duncan ("Hey, I is NOT stuck up! I cannot hep being a heap of hunkiosity.)

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Guest LolasMom
Obviously, Duncan has the best Secret Santa ever! He has even stopped trying to eat his hat, and has figured out that he gets lots of compliments and attention with it on. (Like he was all pitiful and alone without it, huh?) It is hysterical, something I would have never thought to get for him and absolutely wonderful. Now I know why folks go bonkers for BowWow Bonnets!


Thanks again SS!


Duncan, your Secret Santa asked me you tell you thanks for the compliment and you're very welcome. Santa is very pleased with how handsome you look in your new hat :wub: and wants you to know that they'll be more prezzie coming 'cuz you've been such a good boy this year! :xmas

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Guest lotsahounds
Duncan would love to have his picture in a gallery. I hear BowWow Bonnets' gallery is even better than the Louvre. Let me know if you need another picture.


Cris and the getting-more-stuck-up-every-minute-Duncan ("Hey, I is NOT stuck up! I cannot hep being a heap of hunkiosity.)


Duncan the hunk has been added to the Bowwow Bonnets Gallery and can be found on page 15. :colgate

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Mizriz Donna,


Thank u fer making me famus. I looks eben bedder surrounded by oder gorgeous an hansum houndees. Of corse, da hat duz hep a lot! I luvs my bonnet and my SS.


Duncan, da famus hunk

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