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Guest artemiss

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Guest artemiss


My partner and I are the proud owners of a spayed 8 month old American Pit Bull Terrier named Kira, 2 cats, Malachai (a bengal) and Eloa (black and white tuxedo kitty).

We are looking to expand our pack, and have been considering greyhounds as an option. We are certainly looking for larger, shorthaired breeds, and really have narrowed it to a greyhound or a doberman.

We have contacted resues in our area of both breeds, but well, the way it's looking we'll end up with both! :lol anyway, i was hopign that I could gather more information on our search here, as I have skimmed a couple of topics and it seems that there is some good info on here to be had..

I have read The Reign of the Greyhound and Adopting a racing Greyhound by Cynthia Branigan, and found them to fascinating reads. I had never really thought about greyhounds really, until I met a couple last winter in a bookstore that was hosting an adoption event. They were the most beautiful brindle dogs I had ever seen...and really, the more I learn about them the more I really think I could own one.



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Guest savshusker

Welcome, I just recently discovered this forum and it has been tremendously helpful already. Everybody I've chatted with here is extremely helpful and greyhound savvy.


Hope you adopt a greyhound. I've had mine since May and our family doesn't know how we ever got along without her.





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Guest crazy4greys

Welcome from CT! Another good book to read is Retired Racing Greyhounds for Dummies. Lots of more good info there too.


I hope you get to adopt and make sure you post :digicam It's the :rules ya know! :P

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Guest IrskasMom



WELCOME to GT :wave:wave:wave Lots of Info ,Hints , Advice , Sad News and Good News . It's

all here . Hoping you get a Greyhound and will never regret it . :):):):)

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Guest artemiss

Hi guys! :colgate

I will have to look into that book, especially if we ultimately decide on this breed.

Honestly, our biggest concern is that Kira will be "too much dog" for the poor grey to handle.

She not dog-aggressive, or anything like that, in fact, she's sweet as pie and submissive with all the dogs we've met. She's just still a puppy, and VERY active, and can get loud and barky when engaged in play.

I just know that these dogs have so little expereince with any dogs other than other greys, and I am worried that she will overwhelm or frighten a timid fella, and I really would prefer they be friends. On the flip side, we were thinking maybe a more subdued dog would have a calming effect on her..it would be interesting to hear from others with "interbreed" households"

I am also more used to large confident working/guardian breeds, like dobermans, great danes, pitties, and boxers. I know how to handle behaviour issues like aggression and dominance, and havent a clue about fearful/skittishness. It would ceratinly be a changeup for me. B)

BUT because I know how working breeds like dobes NEED a job, someone a bit more laid back sound like a godsend after having Kira ask for a "job" tirelessly...see why I am stuck?



and because pics were requested, and I can't miss an opportunity to show off the "kids":

kira, full zoomie:



the kitties:





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We adopted our first Grey (Max) in June of this year and he is wonderful! We also have a hound/terrier mix rescue who is quite submissive and reactive to other dogs on leash. The greyhound is definitely higher in the pack then our other dog. Max herds our other dog and controls his space if we don't intervene. He will steal the other dog's toys too so we play with them separately to make sure each gets fun time.


Greyhounds definitely aren't guard dogs but they are not all spooks either. We are still surprised how quickly and easily Max adjusted to our home. No housetraining issues, no separation issues, very people and dog friendly and pretty low maintenance all round. We are also pleasantly surprised at how playful he is. He loves squeaky toys and balls! The only Greyhound peculiarity Max has is freezing on walks (and we are making it all the way some days now with no freezing) and refusing to walk through doors if a human is waiting for him to enter.


My suggestion to you would be to pick a rescue group that lets you bring your dog to meet the Greyhounds and do a dog to dog introduction. There were a number of rescue groups local to us but in the end I picked the one that allowed the dogs to meet to see if it was a good fit and that worked really well for us.

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Guest McGreyt

"New Here,, looking into greyhounds as an addition"


Jeez, I thought you said, "addiction." Either way, you've come to the right place. Best wishes to you!

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"New Here,, looking into greyhounds as an addition"


Jeez, I thought you said, "addiction." Either way, you've come to the right place. Best wishes to you!


I read it as addiction, too! Grey owners and our chipping habits could be an interesting psych study.


I'm definitely addicted to mine - don't think I'll ever own any other breed.


Valerie w/ Cash (CashforClunkers) & Lucy (Racing School Dropout)
Missing our gorgeous Miss
Diamond (Shorty's Diamond), sweet boy Gabe (Zared) and Holly (ByGollyItsHolly), who never made it home.

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Guest VanillaBean

Hi, and welcome from Ohio! You wanted to know about mixed breed houses, I have one. I have 3 Italian Greyhounds and 1 Greyhound. Let me tell you, my IG's run around, jump up on furniture, bark and run around some more. My Greyhound? She isn't bothered by it at all! So, would I adopt a Greyhound again? Most certainly, a thousand times over!



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Guest Mommy2Gideon

Get the grey! Get the grey! :D


Welcome to the boards and yes you will find TONS of greyt info here, I know I have.


My DH is the one who wanted the grey...has for almost 10 years now. So when we bought our first house this summer I knew it was just a matter of time. I didn't fight him on the issue, but wasn't crazy about the thought of such a big dog with so much energy....LOL, boy was I wrong with my views on greys!


I love this dog so much...he is perfect. I don't think I'll ever own another breed again (ok, except I'd love another Cavalier Kings Charles Spaniel, but it will depend on if the

greys will be accepting of a small dog). We are actually going back next week to find Gideon a brother.

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Guest artemiss

It is certainly looking favourable for us getting a grey..the agency we have been looking at gave us a phone interview, and the gal I spoke with told us that even though we would need a home visit, she was recommending us for an adoption based on my responses and our vet references! She went so far as to say she wished more applicants were like us! :happydance:

My boyfriend, who was originally pushing for the dobe, is even agreeing that the more we research, the more a grey sounds like the "right" dog!

Our biggest concern is the rambunctious puppy..we are a little worried she will overwhelm a sensitive grey. The adoption agency we are working with did say that the would work to find us a more outgoing guy, and that they would encourage us to bring Kira to meet anyone we would potentially bring home, which is EXACTLY what I wanted to do.



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