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Posts posted by greymama

  1. Oh Miss Nellie :( You gave a good, fight, girl. Run like the wind sweet angel...we know you are at the bridge happy and healthy and watching over your mom and dad. Sending gentle hugs to your household...I am sorry.

  2. Oh my gosh, I am so incredibly sorry! This is one of my biggest fears with my dogs and cats! You just never know what exactly they are thinking, and why they do the things they do. Sometimes there are signs, but other times there simply arent! I agree with everyone here - all you did was try to give a wonderful, loving home to these 2 dogs. Nothing you could have done differently would have prevented this from happening. It will take time, but please try to accept this as a *dog thing* and not a *what if I had...instead...* thing. Sending hugs and prayers across the miles.

  3. :lol Oh Lord I may pee my pants. I was pretty new to greyhounds...I had Peter and Jake for about 6 weeks when I took in my first foster, Cruiser. I will NEVER forget looking down and seeing what looked like two large eyeballs on either side of his peepee :yikes (I always thought the GIRL part was the hoohoo...what the... :dunno ) So, I too felt the *olives* (and quite honestly wasn't very comfortable with the look he gave me 029.gif ) MAN were they HARD?!?!? I called the vet and everything :blush . The first girl thought I should come in and make sure he didn't have cancer (see, I wasn't the only one thinking it :blink: ) but then she gave me to someone else who told me,"Maam, I'm not really sure how to say this...your boy is a little excited right now. He's got an...erection." I think I dropped the phone and started doing a bit of trink21.gif at about 11 in the morning!
  4. Today, I went to MY vet to get Advantage for new kitten. Still had time before I had to be at son's school so headed up to other local vet, that had treated Hubert, who was nice enough to allow me to make payments on my debt, granted the current financial situation. So I wrote them a check. I was told I wouldn't get his ashes back for 4 weeks. Today was 2 weeks. They handed me the ashes. I thought I would be ready, but I was not. At all. I lost it. I must have been quite a sight walking into my son's school for voluntary lunch/recess duty, with my cheek swelled (due to tooth being pulled) and my eyes red and puffy. So Hubert is home. Gosh I miss him. I still listen for his bell to jingle, and miss his incessant purring and licking. Thanks for letting me share -- I just needed to do this.

  5. He was just over a year old, and the sweetest cat...I went up to visit with him...he just purred and licked me everywhere. But his legs were not going to get any better. The vet told me I could wait until tomorrow, but he was sure there wasn't going to be any change. I decided (with our current financial troubles) that my money would be better spent on getting him cremated and having his ashes returned to me, rather than making him spend the night in a strange place...Oh how I wish I knew that he understands...that he understood when I was telling him I love him and I was sorry...My heart is just so heavy and my eyes can't seem to run out of tears. So unexpected...so young...such a good, good friend...I will miss so much hearing your little bell jingle in the morning as you came running and licked my feet while I drank my coffee. I love you *Q-Bert*...and I miss you so very much already...Please know mommy didn't want to do this to you, baby...I'm so so sorry I couldn't make you better....

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