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Posts posted by onrushpam

  1. I can't honestly say I have ever seen a case of Alabama Rot. We have treated multiple cases of strep/staph infections that presented like Alabama Rot.
    The vet who did all the heavy research on Alabama Rot years ago (I can't remember his name and Google isn't helping just now), told me he believed Alabama Rot no longer exists.
    I think this "name" is now being applied to other, similar, flesh destroying diseases/syndromes.

    When we successfully treated it, we caught it early and hit it hard with heavy duty antibiotic cocktails and IV fluids. Once it goes beyond a single lesion, you probably won't save the dog. We managed to keep some alive for many months, only to tragically lose them.

    I'd say contact the Greyhound Health Initiative (Dr. Couto, and others) to see if they can point you towards some help.

    Bottom line, it sucks, big time. Nobody really knows what causes it and there is no real treatment.


  2. Holy craponastick! You fostered Travis? I feel like you are the luckiest and unluckiest person all at the same time! Lucky because he sounds like an incredible dog and it would be amazing to get to even meet a dog like him. Unlucky because you had him before Jen. Lol! That's seriously a really neat tidbit of info though! End hijack.

    Travis was one of the first 21 dogs that started our odyssey of running a greyhound adoption program @ JCKC. I did an article about it for Celebrating Greyhounds back then and the photo they used was me with Jigmo/Travis. I BEGGED Jen to take him because I just couldn't handle him and the other umpty-scrunch fosters I had at that time (I can't remember how many "extra" dogs we had then). She eventually said she might adopt him (because she was afraid to place him with anybody else), but couldn't fit another crate in her van and he'd have to be crated when she went to trials. (This was before she and Stephen were married, or had even met.) I made a deal with her... if she'd adopt him, I'd give her one of my 3 "special" 23-inch wide crates (they were only made for a short time), which would fit in her van. She could put one of her girls in it and Travis in one of her larger crates. She said, "Done deal!"


    After Jen had him for about 6 months, I took him for a vet visit to U Auburn (he had a toe issue we wanted Dr. Gillette to look at and I was taking one of my dogs there). I held him in the waiting room, while people kept coming in/out with various little fluffy dogs, cats, etc. It was challenging, but he was SO MUCH better than when I had him!


    I absolutely adored Jigmo/Travis, but knew I was not able to give him what he needed at that time. He was one of the most gorgeous dogs I ever saw. When I look at Jen's pages about him and watch his videos, I cry every time. Right dog/right home!

  3. EO's Jogmo was the MOST high prey dog I've ever known. I fostered him. He nearly killed my Cocker spaniel (he was muzzled, got her down and bashed her) and almost dislocated my arm when I tried to leash walk him after he was neutered. I begged a good friend and talented young dog trainer to foster him, to see if we could make him adoptable. She renamed him Travis (a/k/a Never Expected).

    Take a look at his story:



    The Jigmo/Travis story is the all-time BEST example of right dog/right home and also what can be done to overcome challenging behavior issues.

  4. Well, it's hard to tell from the photo, but I don't see anything I'd be very worried about. Coursing dogs get lumps and bumps, fat toes and twitchy muscles all the time. We've always been VERY conservative about meds and treatments, especially when the dog exhibits no pain response at all. Basically just rest and wait and as long as the dog is sound, don't worry about it.

  5. While chocolate is certainly toxic to dogs, it takes a LOT of chocolate to really harm an otherwise healthy dog.


    Many years ago, my cocker spaniel puppy (< 20 lbs) ate a whole 1 lb bag of M&Ms on Christmas Eve. We were at the home of friends,out of town... not near our vet. But, I happened to know a soon-to-graduate vet student in that town and called him. He looked it up and also called his advisor at the vet school. He said she'd be fine, but very sick. He felt too much time had passed to induce vomiting (we were away from the house when she did it). He told me to withhold all food and water for 24 hours (I know that sounds cruel). There was lots of technicolor excrement from both ends of her little body and she was absolutely miserable, but had no other serious effects from it. Later, I wished I had induced vomiting because I think it might've lessened the amount of time she suffered getting rid of it all.


    Most baked goods and many candies don't have enough concentrated chocolate to do serious damage.

  6. Some of the old timers on here will remember the one litter we bred from our awesome lure coursing dog, Amy...


    Stella is the 2nd of the Amy puppies to leave us. She was the smallest of the litter and was born with a stubbed tail and fused vertebrae.


    She was SUCH a character! We christened her Stubby. When she went to live with our good friends, John and Laura Parker, Laura wanted a different name and they called her Stella. To us, she will forever be known as Stella-Stubby. Or, DH always called her Stubs!


    Despite her little stubby, fused tail, she turned out to be an awesome lure courser and the comedienne of the Parker pack. She lived every day to the fullest, chomping on her pack mates and staying out in the pasture until the 97th call of "STELLA!!" brought her in.


    She loved to sleep under the stars and would drag her dog bed through the dog door for ultimate comfort. Just a day or two before she died, she drug a brand new Costco dog bed out into the yard and played tug-o-war with it and her puppy housemate, Dublin.


    After 8 years away from us, she never failed to recognize us, especially DH, when we went to visit. He'd say, "Stubbs!" and she'd fold herself in half wagging at the sound of his voice.


    The Rainbow Bridge has a new party queen! She and her sweet brother, Colonel, are reunited and she's encouraging him to help her shake things up!


    Here's Stella-Stubby's GH data page:


  7. Robin was a very special dog, who found a special home. Glen and I loved him very much and had decided to keep him when Rita and her family came along and pried him away from us. We decided to give him a "trial run" in their home. The day we met them to hand him over, I knew he had found the right home... everything was just so RIGHT! Robin was blessed to find just the right place. We were blessed to get to know the Phillips family. Robin touched a lot of hearts.


    Run free and chase those tennis balls sweet boy! One day we'll see you again and we'll come armed with a ChuckIt!

  8. I'm SO sorry to read this, Robin! I just looked up your girl... I had no idea she was a JCKC doggie before she went back to the farm to have puppies. There weren't many of those!

    She had a great life with you. Damned osteo... we lose too many to it!

  9. Indigo Huckabee made his mark today.


    He helped insure the person who allowed him to suffer so much will never be allowed stewardship over another greyhound.


    It was a long time coming, but it finally happened.


    I'm hoping Huckabee is waiting for me at the Bridge, running free, healthy and happy...

  10. Impossible to tell anything from those videos. I can see what your friend saw in the one that worried her. However, he's on a very slick floor and moving at an unnatural pace. So, no way to really know if there is something going on or not. Likely, he was just not comfortable on that floor at that pace. I'd have to see him moving at a walk and a trot on grass/carpet/matting and for more than just a few steps.

  11. Awww.... as soon as I saw her name on this thread, I said, "I remember that dog!" Sure enough, she was one of our JCKC doggies. If I remember correctly, I told Sara she was tiny, but built like a "little brick sh&^ house"! And, I remember her falling down, making herself tiny act.


    Run free, sweetie!!! You had a great life!!! Your people loved you so much and will miss you terribly!

  12. I've helped adopters install sliding-door-dog-doors a couple of times. They are somewhat adjustable, and on both we had to move one of the sliding panels down, to make the bottom step-over taller and the top of the door higher. The dogs do better with stepping over than crouching down to go through. But, it also makes a difference if there is a step down from the door level to the outside surface. That puts coming in at a different angle than going out. So, you may have to fiddle with a bit. Width doesn't matter as long as it is wide enough for the dog to go through. Taller is definitely better.

  13. Actually, Ranch did not have Alabama Rot, but a similar infectious disease. Our vets consulted with Dr. Fenwick (quoted in the article above). Dr. Fenwick is probably the leading expert on Alabama Rot. He told us there has not been a documented case of it in more than a decade. But, it doesn't really matter what you call it, the symptoms and treatment are the same.


    We've nursed at least a dozen dogs through infections like this. All except Ranch survived. I'm not sure why, except that our vets were very aggressive with treatment, especially with the use of IV fluids to ward off renal damage. They also prescribed a heavy-duty "cocktail" of antibiotics, combined with prednisone.


    I'm so sorry you lost your boy!

  14. We made "Isaac Stew" for many years, so I have lots of experience with this!

    (DH, in a drug-crazed post-surgery stupor once crashed 2 slow cookers with 10 lbs of chicken/liquid/grease onto my kitchen floor, mixing it all into a mess of glass/pottery/plastic/chicken/grease/etc., etc... It even splattered the ceiling!)


    We always cooked leg quarters on low for 24 hours, fished out the bones and mashed them (usually just with our fingers or a fork). Sometimes we had to discard a few of the big leg bones because they just wouldn't get soft enough.


    So, if you do just legs, you may have some bones that just never get mushy.

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