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Posts posted by Bluesky

  1. We did no prep whatsoever other than hoping the blood count was OK. We only kept an eye on her afterwards to make sure she wasn't sick or anything out of the ordinary. We were also told to wash the area where she urinated with a bleach/water solution to dilute the chemo drugs that went into the soil. Cali was only sick after the first treatment and just a little tired on the subsequent ones. Where will the chemo treatments be done? I'm glad to hear that Charlie is doing well and hope he continues to improve.

  2. We went to visit Cali at Alta Vista. They were really great and let us spend as much time as we wanted. Cali was very food oriented but wouldn't eat at the vet, even when we brought her raw food from home. She didn't want to get up at first, but when we were there she tried her darndest to get up to say hi, so our visits helped for that. That being said, after you talk to the vets, you could go once and see how it goes and just take it from there.


    Glad Charlie made it through!





  3. Our sweet Cali passed during the early Tuesday morning. She was a 1 year cancer survivor who didn't let the lack of a leg slow her down in the least.


    She woke me up around 4am Tuesday morning to go out and I noticed that she was walking a bit wonky and didn't make down the stairs to the yard to do her business. I thought I would check it out later in the morning when I got up to feed the pups, so didn't worry about it. We all went back to bed, but I noticed that Cali was panting really badly. Again, I didn't worry because it's been a bit humid so I thought she was just warm. She nested a bit on her bed and went to sleep. She didn't wake up. When I went to give her her breakfast, she didn't get up and that's when I realized she had passed. She looked so peaceful, I kept waiting for her to take a breath and get up.


    We got Cali 2 days after her 3rd birthday and I couldn't have been happier. We had had Vern for a couple of years and decided we needed a little girly pup to keep him company and so then along came BOC's Kaylynn. Her name was too close to my daughter's – Kayla – so we changed it to Cali. I was bouncing around with joy on the day that we were to pick her up at the adoption group! We knew we were in for an interesting time with her when she was the only one in the kennel who was barking and bouncing around! What a firecracker!


    In the course of her 6 years with us, she taught us patience and to make sure we put all food items out of reach and blocked off the cat food and litter box. Our sneaky girl was so smart she could open cupboards, closets and had no problem taking things off the counters and dressers. She never knew a food she didn't like, especially if it wasn't good for her! She even teamed up with other greys to get what she wanted – remember, Janet? Takeout with Foxy!


    She's given us our ups and downs, amazed us with her perseverance and any who ever met her loved her, especially children. My autistic nephew would sit and stroke her for hours and she seemed to know that was what he needed to calm down and laid patiently while he pet her fur.


    What I admired most was how she adapted after her amputation. She had an infection in one of her back legs and she could still get around on mostly two legs! She sailed through chemo making new friends wherever she went. She enjoyed running with other greys and still kept up with them and still had the bunnies and squirrels in our yard on full alert! She always knew where I was in the house and if I got too far away she would follow.


    I'll miss her cute roo-ing when we would come home, her bouncy helicopter tail and her smiley face when she was happy. I'll miss her kisses and playing bitey-face with her brother. I'll miss my snuggle pup and Cali-cow. Godspeed sweet girl and know you were loved. beatinghearts.gif







    Cali's Hope for Hounds Story

  4. Just got off the phone with the vet and Cali's coming home tonight! :confetti


    I was told that she's eating and peeing and tolerating her meds and so she's ready.


    In case you're wondering about the pooping, Cali is shy and doesn't like to poop on leash. She prefers to be off leash and find her own spot. Silly girl. :rolleyes:


    Apparently she's roaching in her kennel with ETS and her eyes open, all while sleeping. Definitely a good sign! :thumbs-up

  5. Been back for a bit now, I'm just not good at the picture thing. :blush


    Cali is definitely on the mend! :banana


    The vet tech said she didn't like to be woken up to come visit as she was roaching happily! She perked up when she saw us and went right on to get lots of hugs. She laid down and whenever I stopped petting her I got the "look". You know the one - Hey why'd you stop?


    I fed her some food and despite what they said she was hungry. I could only give her a bit cause they're still monitoring her intake. She still has her IV in just for fluids, but the rest of the meds are given orally.


    So...if I do this right....here's the princess herself.









    If all goes well, we'll be able to take her home tomorrow evening. :confetti

  6. GT prayers are amazing! :bow


    Cali has started eating and walking around looking for lovin's from the staff at the hospital! :yay


    I have suggested that they keep her for 1 more day - just in case - to make sure she's not regurging any more and still eating. I also want to make sure that she's tolerating the oral meds they've started. Since she'll be on her own once she's home, someone's gotta work to pay the vet bills, I have to be doubly sure she's OK before being discharged.


    The vet that's on now was the vet who was on when I brought her in yesterday morning and she has noticed a big improvement.


    We have an appointment to visit at 7pm, so I'll make sure I update when we get home.


    Thanks so much.





  7. So, I talked to the vet this morning and Cali seems to be doing a bit better.


    She's getting up on her own now. Yesterday morning she needed to be carried and yesterday evening she needed to be helped up, so to get up on her own is great!


    She's still not eating, but they're going to try heating up her food to see if that helps. She's not leaking out the back end any more, so that's good news, too!


    I'll be talking to them later today to find out about when we can visit again.


    Thanks for thinking of Cali.



  8. Just came back from visiting my girl and she is still very weak. She's not vomiting any more, but is regurgitating. I'm not sure if that's better or not. She's also not having diarrhea, but is leaking a bit from that end.


    She seemed happy to see us and promptly laid down on the blanket they put out for her and let out a big sigh. We pet her and gave her ear scritches until she fell asleep. Once she was asleep, she had a nice "running dream".


    We stayed for 30 minutes and left full of hope. As long as the meds do their work, I'm certain Cali will pull out of this.


    Thanks to all.



  9. Just got off the phone with the vet and Cali is resting comfortably.


    She had a little bit of diarrhea and vomited a little of what they are calling "coffee grinds". They've got her on some heavy duty antibiotics because of her low WBC and lots of anti nausea meds. If she vomits again, they're going to start her on some type of new med that they've only been able to use since this spring.


    I'm going to visit her at 6:30 and bring her some her food (I feed raw). The plan is for her to get eating and keeping things down so she can recuperate at home where she's most comfortable.


    They have been in contact with our regular vet - they're open Sundays for a couple of hours - and Dr. Shibata is concurring with the e-vet's treatment plan.


    Again, thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts. I'm just beside myself with worry.

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