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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by Klord

  1. Hi all

    We've had Lady for almost a year now, she stopped racing in March 2022 and she’s turning 4 this year. She has a pretty consistent routine which she’s seemed happy with until now. We live in the city in an apartment complex, we have a private carpark where she usually does her wee before bed. But a cat has moved into the block which roams freely and has totally changed how she is. When we now take her out at night she wants to we're outside the complex and is waking up several times in the night crying wanting to go out, so we take her and she ends up having diarrhoea, panting a lot and crying. We muzzle her and originally ignored her crying (thinking she just wanted to see the cat) but it seems to be giving her so much anxiety that it's making her toilet routine off and uncomfortable. 
    If anyone has any advice how to readjust as getting up at 2/3/4am is not ideal and we don't want it to become routine!

    Thank you! 




  2. Thanks all for your advice! 
    She's called Lady- but certainly doesn't act like one! Haha. It seems to only be shrubs/bushes she stops at presumably because she’s seen something. We try to take her round our closed garden/communal area which is quite sizeable just to go to the toilet but even then she heads straight for the same bushes. 
    Both me and my partner are hoping that it does get better like you all say, it's starting to upset us because we know she's scared but we seem really helpless in being able to do much other than just stand and watch her stare with her tail between her legs. We'll keep being patient and fingers crossed it gets better- for now we'll just take her into the gardens then take it from there.

    Much appreciated x 

  3. Hi all! 

    We recently adopted a 3 year old ex racer, she’s had no history of abuse or trauma and to begin with she was great walking on lead at her new home with us. But the last week or so she’s been really bad for freezing up/statuing to the point of it becoming upsetting (we're talking 15 minutes in the same position). We've tried treats, either following a trail of them or putting them closely to her mouth and then kind of running with it, we've tried toys, turning round in a circle with her, gently pushing her shoulders or from behind but nothing seems to help. It's usually when she has seen something in bushes or shrubs but like I said she wasn't this bad for it when we first got her. If anyone has any advice before we try a dog behaviouralist or trainer it would be much appreciated! :( 

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