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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by Glum_Turnover

  1. Just wondering if anyone's greys have similar webbed/splayed feet as our boy and if it caused them any issues?

    His outer toes in particular really splay out from the rest of his foot and he sometimes seems to walk with most of his weight on the back of his feet. You can see how webbed they are when he play bows (which is 100 times a day lol).

    Every few weeks he seems to tweak or pull something and then start limping (along with greyhound scream of death!) and usually after 24-48 hours will be back to normal. Sometimes it's worse than others and once we ended up taking him to the after-hours vet for him to end up putting weight on it (there were treats present) and was fine again the next morning. Our regular vet is aware and did a brief physical exam and couldn't see anything too concerning - they said to monitor it for now before we decide to dive into x-rays or more in-depth assessments.

    He came to us from a rescue in China and as far as we know he's never raced (he's only 2 and was at the rescue kennel for 18 months after they saved a big group of hounds from a meat market truck). So I'm not sure if this is something he's always just had as his early life is a big question mark for us.

    Would love to hear from others who may have seen similar starfish toes. TIA! :) (cross-posted in r/Greyhounds)




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