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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by Cazzie95

  1. Hi everyone, 

    Thank you all for the replies! She has really settled in and has found her perfect spot on the sofa haha! Booties are a great idea thank you greysmom! I shall get some of those and calling the vet tomorrow to get them checked. 

    We have decided to cancel doggy daycare and get a Walker in on that day for 2 small walks and toileting. I'll also get some paw balm to help toughen up the pads. 

    Heyrundog my grace says hi back! And a greyhound walk sounds amazing, I shall look into a walk in my area. 

    All the advice has really helped. Thank you! 

  2. Thanks for the reply.

    Its outside, all grass and muddy from the rainy weather. 

    She interacts with similar sized dogs mainly, they have 3 greyhounds she interacts with, labradors, retrievers a husky. Few smaller like a beagle but they separated her from the smallest dogs like jack Russell's. Just wasn't sure if all day outside was too much on her paws. 

    We knew she had scars and old wounds or cute but the daycare are the ones who informed us they had slightly opened up so they applied a spray plaster as protection but it's worse than slightly opened up personally, they almost look new.

    I have tried to attach a picture but it will not allow me. It looks like when you accidentally grate your knuckle on a cheese grater, like a chunky cut, slightly deep, weeping. I know this is a random way to describe it but it's quite fresh and she does not like me cleaning it. 

  3. Hi all, 

    I have only just signed up to greytalk after finding myself always referring to information on here. 

    We recently, only 1 month ago just rescued a sweet ex racer from dogs trust, her name is Grace. However theres one day a week where we have sent her to doggy care care to socialise and exercise whilst we work, we have only done this twice and they said that she just follows the staff around rather than playing. However when she has tried to play they have worried she was more going into her prey drive and muzzled her instead. She is fine with her muzzle but unsure if daycare is worth it for her atm. She does have old racing wounds on her paws but they seem to have opened up really bad after going yesterday and she now doesn't want to walk much and seems to hurt her. Now I'm worried that daycare is too much being on her paws walking around all day and that actually she would benefit from a dog walker for 2 small walks to break the day up instead. 

    Also she learnt how to do our stairs leading into our top floor maisonette within a week but has become stubborn and refuses to walk up them now without encouragement of a treat, this started before her paw wounds reopend, which obviously doesn't help now either. 

    Is there any advice on these subjects someone can give me. We have never owned a greyhound before but she needed a loving home after being there for so long. 

    Any information would be great or recommendations for paw wax etc. 

    Cara and grace 🐾

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