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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by jberk03

  1. My wife and I have had our 5.5 year old Greyhound, Marty, for about a year and a half. He raced until he was about 4 years old. 
    Since we adopted him, he's warmed up to us so much. We've worked through issues with food guarding and space aggression, and we've gotten really great at reading his body language and managing some of his quirks. 99% of the time, Marty is a dream - sweet, quiet, great with other dogs and doesn't cause any trouble. 

    Unfortunately, he has real issues being touched or handled without his consent. This makes it nearly impossible to do certain necessary things for him; taking him to the vet and trimming his nails always result in snapping and attempted biting (thank god for muzzles). He really only trusts myself, my wife and our dog walker to touch or pet him regularly, so we always are sure to give lots of warning whenever he is meeting new humans. 

    Has anyone here ever dealt with anything similar? We're in contact with some behaviorists, but was curious if any other Greyhound owners have ever experienced something like this. 

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