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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by Tigerstripes

  1. My grey (Bolt) came from the Dogs Trust and was on Wainrights salmon and potato as well. Wainrights (Pets at Home) supply the Dogs Trust with food.

    I have tried quite a few different foods and found little variation in poo consistency i.e. first of the day firm then next soft then third like porridge. I have him on Burgess sup\dog Greyhound and lurcher at the moment and it's as good as any. I tried Olewo carrots but saw little difference if any. A behaviourist at the Dogs Trust who has greyhounds says that her dogs poo firmed up on wet food,but I haven't tried this yet. He's healthy and its me that is bothered about the poo consistency so I am not letting it worry me, I could just do without the sloppy third poo which is usually delivered on a walk.

    I have come to the conclusion that greyhounds have an inefficient and possibly short colon which cannot remove water from the faecal matter fast enough to produce firm poos with the exception of the first of the day which has overnight for processing. If this is the case then there is little to be done to improve matters. Ideally a way of slowing passage of faecal matter through the colon is what is needed and more fibre in the diet seems counter-intuitive.

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