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Posts posted by bittyflea

  1. There is something very important to understand about the effect of the ProHeart product on hookworms, something that Zoetis reps or  their vets do not bring up unless you do, and that is that it will only treat infections present at the time of the administration of ProHeart (6 0r 12 months, does not matter). If you read the claims or the insert, it reads:

    "ProHeart 12 eliminates the larval and adult stages of A. caninum and U. stenocephala present at the time of treatment. Re-infection with A. caninum and U. stenocephala may occur sooner than 12 months."  (see the product insert online, under the heading Frequency of Administration).

    This means that if your premises are seeded with hookworm eggs and you do not take measures to eliminate them, or your dog frequents areas that are equally infected, your dog could end up with hookworms again. Also, no indications on the label that your dog will be protected against roundworms or whipworms.

    This product was created because a proportion of dog owners are either forgetful, cheap or too lazy to administer monthly doses (oral or topical, take your pick). In Zoetis' mind, heartworm is a more serious concern than intestinal parasites... except hookworms and roundworms are transmissible to people. From the point of view of public health, ProHeart is a big fail, considering that there are numerous products that address all concerns. Zoetis itself has Simparica Trio which does not leave this void in parasite protection.


    Choose wisely,


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