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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by Shadaia

  1. Hello. We have a 10 month old Greyhound and we're having some very specific issues with him. When we first got him, everything was fine - in extreme cases we could even leave him alone the entire time we were at work and nothing bad happened, he learned how to be alone. Right now because of coronavirus we're working from home and everything became completely messed up. He has extreme seperation anxiety (because we're with him all the time) and it's slowly becoming unbearable. I would like to point out that he's not energetic or bored when this happens - he gets 3 training sessions every day for mental stimulation and about 2-3 hours of running sessions, so he surely gets enough.

    We're teaching him how to stay alone, and he manages to stay home for like 2-3 hours. He will whine a bit when we're outside, but mostly he will just lay down and sleep through it. The worst part is happening when we are home.

    My fiancee is working till late so she often sleeps during the day. Our Greyhound is extremely annoying when she's not in the same room as he is - he's walking around the house, whining, biting on everything he gets his teeth on and so on. We have a crate, and we tried to lock him inside (he likes the crate and he goes there all the time, as long as we don't lock him up), but when we close it he just keeps on whining and we can see he's extremely frustrated. He starts to bite the metal, and he often destroys everything within reach, including his bed.

    I can endure the whining when he's in crate or just walking around and looking for my fiancee, however I can't supervise him non stop because I'm working remotely. We also cannot take the dog's bed away from the crate because he can't lay on its floor, and no matter what else we throw in there, it will just get torn apart once he realised he can't get what he wants.

    Please guys, help us. We're really making amazing progress with this dog but this one thing bothers us A LOT. Thanks for any advice.

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