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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by RachaelM

  1. Hello,

    We adopted our greyhound one month ago today. One of the reasons we picked her was that she ran up to us in the kennels with a big waggy tail. However, since coming home she just looks miserable all the time. We've been giving her lots of praise and treats but making sure she also gets peace and quiet so as not to overwhelm her. She still looks uncomfortable whenever we come near her, moving her body away, licking her lips, yawning etc. At first we had to physically pick her up to go on walks because she was so terrified of outside but now she'll get herself up after coaxing, which is an improvement. She doesn't like any toys and doesn't want to go anywhere in our house other than her corner spot. It just feels like she was so much happier back at the kennels. All videos and advice online seems to show greyhounds adjusting for a week or two and then jumping all over the sofa, but ours is nothing like that.  

    Are we doing something wrong? We've been in touch with the kennels and they seem concerned as if it's not normal behaviour. They suggested another dog may help but I don't think we'd be able to look after two greyhounds. Is it cruel to be separating her from other greyhounds if that's where she gets her confidence from?


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