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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by dlia003

  1. Hello everyone! I'll be rehoming a greyhound in a few weeks time but am so confused regarding what to feed him for breakfast and dinner. My greyhound, Benny, is 3 years old and around 33kg. A few adoption sites in Australia, I'm from there, recommend mixing wet meat with kibble.

    So, the diet would look something like this-

    Breakfast: 250g chicken neck/ chicken frame/ chicken wing 

    Dinner: 1.5 cup kibble + 250g mince beef.

    I'm unsure of whether it'll be okay to mix wet meat with kibble from some sources though.

    My friend recommended me the PMR raw diet and has calculated this for me-

    Split between two meals: 

    1050g red meat (beef, roo) 
    130g raw bone (chicken neck, chicken feet- keep the nails, duck neck, wings) 
    66g (cow liver)
    66g (giblets, kidney, spleen or lungs) 

    Alternatively, could I just feed my greyhound solely kibbles? 

    Would love some suggestions and advise on a diet that my greyhound can follow. Many thanks! 


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