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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by texdev

  1. Thank you both for your replies! I'm grateful you all mentioned hookworms....I just got back from the vet and she said that Finn has hookworms (10-15 eggs), but she said with that amount of eggs, she wouldn't expect the hookworms to be impacting appetite or causing HGE symptoms. We are supposed to give Finn and our other grey (just in case) Drontal Plus now and then again in two weeks and get the fecal test again. On the HGE, she thinks we just need to keep giving him the same treatment since it appears to work until he runs out of medicine. So we have him on Amoxicillin, Centrine and "Prescription Diet Digestive Care i/d". That food appears to be a "prebiotic" - not sure how much that differs from "probiotic"? I went ahead and purchased Purina Sensitive Stomach as suggested for when this wet food the vet provided runs out. 

    I am not a fan of this "sit and wait" approach to see if the symptoms recur, as we are becoming frequent visitors to the vet and don't feel like we are seeing much progress.... I'm hoping that the hookworms are indeed contributing to the symptoms and treating those will be our solution. Does anyone have experience with that amount of hookworm eggs causing loss of appetite and eventually diarrhea? 

    If Finn stops eating again after trying all these meds/foods, I may indeed need to reach out to Dr. Couto or start researching larger cities to drive to in order to get a second opinion (although a little difficult due to the current COVID-19 situation).

  2. Hello everyone,

    We've had Finn for about 7 months. Early May, he stopped eating and eventually had persistent diarrhea. We took him to the vet and they determined he had HGE (Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis) and his "blood was 20% thicker than normal" according to the vet. Of course, this concerned us, but we were glad we got him into the vet promptly. We never give either of our greyhounds "human food" and keep them on a very consistent diet (Kirklands Turkey and Sweet Potato). They kept him overnight for  a few days and sent us home with antibiotics and wet food (seemed to be geared toward fiber). It appeared to work, but then by early June, he was showing similar signs again so we took him back to the vet. The vet said that he's showing early stages of HGE again, and we put him back on the medicine (Amoxicillin) and wet food since they thought the last round just hadn't been enough. Now 2 weeks later, he is showing similar symptoms again (refusing to eat off and on), and I'm feeling frustrated - is this typical for HGE or have others experienced similar? Or is there something with similar symptoms you all have experienced outside of HGE? We don't live in a large city for 2nd opinions unfortunately, but could look into traveling for that if needed. Anyone have any advice or ideas? 

    Thank you!


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