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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by ringonsurah

  1. 4 hours ago, BatterseaBrindl said:


    Ten days is not very long..he's (what's his name?! ) still in the 'settling in' phase. Keep in mind that living in a house with people is totally foreign to him.

    Having a bed upstairs is an excellent idea...maybe even one on each bedroom might help.  We have multiple beds all over our house so the boys can choose exactly where to lay!

    Greyhounds are very sensitive to heat (and cold). If you don't have AC, then perhaps a fan might help.

    Panting is not only a sign that he could be too hot, but can also indicate stress (and /or pain)

    I have no advice on the chewing as I have always been blessed with hounds that only chew their bones.  I give them knuckle bones from the butcher. 

    I'm sure others will chime in with some more ideas and suggestions :)


    yeah I have been trying to tell myself 10 days isn't long but I'm just worried ahahah! he is called Ringo. We have ordered a fan for him to see if it will help, I will get a few bones and see if it will help with the chewing thank you!

  2. 4 hours ago, MerseyGrey said:

    Ditto for me with the chewing... And although our boy settled in really well at home (no whining when we went to bed, no waking us up in the night ever) if we take him away on holiday with us (ah, holidays, remember those?) he would be restless in the night so maybe Ringo is just getting used to your place. Ten days is just the start of your adventure, and you can read as much as you like but while many greyhounds have lots of personality traits in common, they are also very individual between themselves in the breed so there is a certain amount of feeling your way through your first few months.

    It sounds like your are UK based, where did you get your dog from? Depending on how long they have had him they might be able to tell you a bit about him, especially if he was fostered rather than being in a kennel. Our adoption centre left us feeling terrified with every little blip and bump along the way but if you can, try to relax and enjoy having him and it will be a much easier process for you all. Good luck!

    I know have been trying to reassure myself that 10 days is a very short amount of time! just worrying, we have had dogs before but never greyhounds so it is all a new learning experience! I live in Ireland and we got him from a rehoming centre called paws and people although they know very little about his background, he was kept at a racing yard then in the week or so he was with them was living in outdoor kennels. 

  3. 4 hours ago, MaryJane said:

    How hot is it at night where you are?  Do you have AC? Do you have a fan on?

    I live in Ireland, its been about 20 degrees Celsius the past week or so which is hot for us! but our houses don't have AC. we have ordered a fan for him but have been leaving windows open for to try and get a bit of a cool breeze

  4. Hi! my mum and I have recently adopted a greyhound called Ringo! He was bred to race but never raced, he is 1 and a half and we have had him for 10days. He seems to have settled into our home quite well however there are a few things we are a bit worried about and I would be beyond grateful if anyone could offer any sort to advice/recommendations!

    The first week we had him he sept in his crate in the kitchen and I had brought a camp bed down to stay with him as he would whine if he was left alone, after some googling on where is best for him to sleep we bought a new bed for him to stay in the bedroom. However, at night he is very restless and will switch between my bedroom and my mums, need out up to 4 times throughout the night and be pacing quite a lot . He pants throughout the night and just seems uncomfortable, I'm not sure if this is normal or maybe he is still settling in we have had him for 10 days now. it is probably worth mentioning as well that the past few days is has been very hot where we live. We would usually take him for a walk about an hour or 2 before bed tottery and tire him a bit and give him plenty of opportunities to go to the toilet before bed, although is does not seem to be helping.

    In general he has settles into the house quite well, he has only had 2 accidents but he has recently started trying to chew things such as table legs, door frames etc. we have plenty of chew toys for him which he does use as well.

    Our main concern is settling him at night and making him comfortable, just worried we have got off on the wrong foot, I researched a lot before getting Ringo though there is a lot of mixed advice!! Any advice from similar experiences  would be hugely appreciated, thank you :heart



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