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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by LilasMum

  1. You said she's gone a few times near your condo or on the trails. From now on I would keep always walking her past these spots where she's already gone. They will become more and more safe and familiar to her. I made the mistake of taking Lila for long walks around different neighbourhoods because it seemed like she wanted to explore and I was worried she was bored of the same walk, but she ended up taking forever to go to toilet. What helped for us to increase her confidence was to keep taking the same short route and if she doesn't go the first time, then walk the same route again. It didn't take that long for Lila to adjust (she only had accidents inside the first two days) but every time we walk somewhere new, she is clearly more nervous to go and it takes more time, especially if there's people around or it's dark. We've had her for a month.

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