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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by Steph

  1. I'm in lockdown (and can't leave house or take dogs to dog park so they are really going stir crazy!).  One is a greyhound rescue mix and one a Swiss Shepherd who are used to having a physical outlet to run/sprint every day.  I've increased training sessions to get them better at stay and come (to the point where I can then go hide in other parts of the house and have them come find me when I call from afar).  The other game that's working really well is to put them outside when I leave tiny treats hidden throughout whole house - in slightly ajar cupboards, behind curtains, under pillows, in various nooks and crannies.  I think let them in and ask them 'where is it?' and then spend the next 20 minutes sniffing every inch of the house (sometimes in tandem, sometimes independently).  It goes on for some time after the last treat has been found.  At first I thought I would have to be careful and remember where I hid everything so nothing would rot, but absolutely no worries there!  They are thorough!All you can hear is intensive sniffing and then they seem to nap well afterwards :)

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