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Posts posted by Here4thedogs

  1. Hey guys another Southern Californian here with Healthy Paws. Searched Google for premium increases and found this forum. I own a couple Dobies and feel your pain when it comes to rate increases. Just like seeh20 I've experienced almost identical rate increases over the last three years. Started out as only 10-15% increases until last week I was notified of a 36% increase going from $165 to $221 for two Dobermanns. I've had many claims for both over the years and am convinced it's because of that on top of overall health-care costs increasing nationwide.

    However, their explanations as you've seen on here are less than satisfactory. As I've explained in numerous emails to them I'm just trying to forecast future costs to ensure I have proper coverage for the remainder of their lives. Their ages are only 3 and 5. I actually wanted to insure our other 4 pets, but will avoid doing so until I get further clarification from them. Here's what "Ren" said in his last email when I questioned him on everyone in CA is getting hit with the same increase:

    "Every policy owner within California did experience an increase, but the percentages may have varied SLIGHTLY as we also go as specific as the zip code that you and your furry friends reside in. Your rates don't change due to you filing a claim."


    Sounds like bs to me as I've referred two of my coworkers over the years who live in the same city and same zip. One saw an increase of 13.8% for three dogs (with claims) since Jan 2019 while the other saw an increase of 15% for his two dogs (with claims) since July 2017.  The fact that I'm seeing a 36% increase in the SAME area in CA just doesn't add up. It's one thing to pay astronomically high health insurance for our pets when you know what to expect, but it's another to blindly raise rates and lie saying it's due to the area I live in and not because of the breed/previous claims.  After seeing your posts I sent another email out Today providing them evidence that's contrary to what they've been telling us. I'll share my response if I receive one. 

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