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Just Whelped
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Newbie, be gentle

Newbie, be gentle (2/9)

  1. Hi thanks for the replies. When we initially got her She was hardly ever reactive to other dogs - it gradually got worse over time. And yes I think it's because so many off lead dogs run towards/ approaches her and as she is always on the lead she finds t hat really scary and off-putting... The behaviourist suggested I do desensitization and counter conditioning - e.g. Giving her treats as soon as she sees another dog so that she will learn that other dogs = yummy treats ! This doesn't always work as she can get fixated on the other dog as soon as it's in her sight and does not even listen to me!! Recently I walked her with a friend 's off-lead beagle and She was perfectly fine with her! Not even a growl. She's such a strange dog..
  2. Hi, a newbie from uk here! I have a 4 and a half year old female grey. Ive haf her 1 and half year, shes the only pet in the household. She's generally anxious dog outside the house and she has been quite reactive to other dogs (which I have seen a behaviourist in the past for) but she's even reactive to other greyhounds she meets! She growls/snarls/ barks/lunges if she sees another grey or meets them at greyhound walks. Quite frankly it's embarrassing!! She is ok once she starts walking with them though...she is more relaxed with them at the end of the walk. Had anyone else's grey got this problem?!
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