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Posts posted by WOLIRT

  1. I know Blazing Meg, she had quite a few races with my General Grant in Grade A. I should have some races for you. It will take a week or so to locate them. If you send me your email address I can email you the races. Email me wolirt@yahoo.com

    How exciting ! Congratulations ! I see that Zoe also raced at Wonderland, you may be interested in the Greyhound Expo at Wonderland. Check out the expo at www.greyhoundadoptionexpo.com/ There is a greyhound fun run and othere fun events

  2. Welcome to Greytalk, Al, and congratulations to you Ivan and Zoe, she's a doll ! Zoe looks like she's settled in nicely. I have a Hinsdale retired greyhound too. We drove up many times to watch him race and drove through Brattleboro. You are right next door to the track. Do you know Zoe's racing name ? Maybe I have a video of a race Zoe ran, It's possible.


  3. I'm going through the same thing right now. I called the vet and he said there are a lot of allergies out there right now. He was on his way out of town for a few days and suggested, 2 Benadryl tablets (25mg) every 12 hrs and apply Cortaid cream to the red rashy areas. He said not to use the ointment, the cream goes into the skin much better. Roush is improving and less irritated but I may still bring him to see the vet duruing the week just to make sure nothing is overlooked. Call the vet if you are concerned, the vet may suggest something similar. Congratulations on your new grey

  4. He was the friendliest greyhound. When he spied someone, his eyes lit up and the tail started wagging. He never met a person that he didn't like and if I handed someone his leash he'd trot along with them as if they were best friends. He was a cuddler, a kisser, a lovey, a 85+pound lap dog. I miss his sweet face, stuffy in mouth, greeting me when I got home.I miss his paw swiping at me when I've been on the computer too long. I just miss him so much. His illness was so sudden so unexpected. How could he have cancer ? He wasn't sick, he had a physical in March, he was in good health. It started with swollen glands a few weeks ago. In a few days his glands were huge and his mouth was swollen. It was cancer and the lymphoma spread so quickly, without Prednisone, he would be gone in a few days. The Prednisone bought us some time for the Gold Bug farewell tour. We enjoyed every minute together. We went to his favorite places and said goodbye to all his friends. He got to chase bunnies and run freely and do all the things he enjoyed. we watched all his best races together and celebrated his life ,and when the meds didn't control the swelling and it became too difficult to breath, we were all there to help him to the bridge. I miss you big guy..... Gold Bug was only 7 in May, and he died so young but I'm grateful for our time together. I have so many cherished memories. I know that he had the best of everything, at the farm and at Raynham. everyone took such good care of him. I could tell you so many wonderful stories about Gold Bug and his life, instead take a look at his photo album. These pictures tell his story, 5 pictures in the album were taken on the farewell tour. .....I love you Gold Bug , I know you'll be waiting at the bridge for me with a stuffy in your mouth :heart

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