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Just Whelped
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Posts posted by JaxsFam

  1. We got our greyhound Jax when he was 4 months old. He is now about 19 months old. He is our first dog/puppy and our kids love him (kids are 9, 10, and 11). Unfortunately we have no idea what is considered "normal" puppy behavior as no one we talk to has ever seen a greyhound puppy much less worked with training them. We have a wonderful trainer but only about 1/2 of her techniques work. We can not get him to stop trolling or stealing items from the table/counter - especially pencils, dish towels, or socks. He doesn't respond quickly to his name. He definitely seems more interested in what he wants to do rather than what you want him to do. He knows what the no-no's are but just doesn't care to obey. He's definitely not a dog who wants to please you. There are many wonderful characteristics but we are trying to figure out if the good out weigh the bad. What is normal for a greyhound? Will he outgrow some off the things that are driving us crazy or is this just his personality?

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