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Posts posted by Bingo123

  1. I am probably making the last visit to my beautiful Crystal today. She was diagnosed with leptospirios this week although the test results still are not back to confirm it. This is a nasty infectious bacteria that is spread through urine, ie racoons, possums, deer. If your doggie ingests this contaminated urine they are exposed. Crystal has fought the battle since Sunday and the vet says we are losing the battle. I will see her today and make that final decision. I had been praying for a miracle but I guess we just did not get it. Crystal is 7 1/2. She has been the love of my life for the past 4 years. I love you Crystal.

    I'm soo sorry for you! Cheer up! Hugggggggggs




  2. This all started a few months before we got Bingo.A tornado touched down here in Mississippi,One of my friends was killed.Well,he had a Pit-Bull named Gator.His girlfriend had him,but could not keep him..Then his mother kept Gator for a while,But could not keep him either(A memeber of the family was trying to have a baby)...So i got to keep him.Now before this i was not a real big fan of Pit-Bulls,but Gator had something good about him.I kept him down at the barn...This was winter time so it was cold.The first few days i did not go into the stable with him,I did not know what he would do and i wanted to be safe.But a few days after that,he become attched to me.He greved himself to death over the death over his owner,He would not eat unless i was down there with him.So days past,and Halloween came..The day after i found him outside my window waiting for me.The hard thing for me to do is when my friend's mother came to get him,I could not keep him...I had a mare that was due at the time.Gator did not want to get into the van....He was trying to get in between my legs and go back into the house.I did not want to give him up at all!....Now heres the sad part,the day we went to pick up Bingo...we went to vote first.I saw my friend's mother and asked her about Gator..She told me they had to put him down cuz he was geting in the way of the baby stuff,and he just could not understand why everyone was not giving him any love.I hope he made it over A OK.






  3. On his coller they have it spelled like this:KTALIA-BINGO-FEVER..I have tryed looking it up with the spaces but no luck..yet.Does anyone know of a site(Besides the Dog-Data one) Where you can look up your Grey?..I'll keep trying tho.




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