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Posts posted by Sepviva

  1. I would never take him somewhere he wasn't welcome, or take him close to horses I'm not familiar with. Should go without saying, but I know people do it. The barn I ride at definitely allows boarders to bring dogs, I actually had the conversation with the manager while she brought up her new German Shepherd puppy to play with another boarder's Vizla. The Vizla spends his entire time there running at high speed from person to person, and no one cares, including the horses. Of course he isn't chasing anything. The manager has two other dogs, the trainer has a pointer puppy. Probably not what most people (myself included) would imagine at a race horse stud farm :) It's a very relaxed place but all the people and horses seem sensible. There are separate barns for the boarders, stallions, and mares with foals.


    He would NOT be allowed loose at the barn, or ever in fields with loose horses, even on a leash. And would only be left alone if I was confident he would be comfortable and well-behaved. He would be allowed to hang out in the tack room, but I'd worry about someone letting him out accidentally. The field fencing is wire mesh (small openings, less than 4"), I suspect to keep out dogs. I wish we had an indoor, especially this winter!


    I do also have the possibility of taking him to a friend's small farm if that would be a good "intro level". She has two horses and a collie that's fine with them who could be a mentor.


    I guess I'm looking for any specific pointers about how you introduced your dogs to your horses in a way that kept everyone calm.

  2. I would like to be able to bring my greyhound to the barn with me and to horse shows, and am wondering if anyone has any advice for introducing him to horses.


    I've had him for a little over a year, and in that time he's generally figured out that flinging himself at squirrels is not going to get him anywhere. He's still very interested in moving creatures, but knows that launching himself at them is frowned upon when he's on a leash, thankfully. We haven't seen deer in a long time, but he did try launching after them as well. He is extremely confident about most things and enjoys city life. We even took him to the Philadelphia Flower Show this year and he loved it.


    I walk him past the city carriage horse stables every so often. His reaction has been strong interest until we get relatively close and the horse(s) look over at him, at which point he looks away and starts busily sniffing the ground. He's become more and more relaxed about it over time, too, which I take as encouraging.


    We also took him to a large horse show last fall and stayed around the edges. He seemed torn between interest in the giant prey animals and concern about how giant they are. I think he tried one leap towards them at one point but then settled in and mostly lost interest except when one jumped, then the ears would pop up. We stayed very much on the edges so we wouldn't distract anyone.


    I would like to get him more comfortable/not-chasy at horse shows, and if he could come to the barn it would open up a lot more scenic places to take him for walks. I'm a boarder but the barn is dog-friendly and the manager's response when I said I had a greyhound was "oh those are such cool dogs." If he could sleep in the horse's stall or a x-pen or something while I ride that would be fantastic. The barn is 40 miles away but in an area with lots of parks and hiking. It's also possible he could have a run in the fenced field my horse uses (obviously when the horses aren't in it).



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