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Posts posted by Victor

  1. 27 minutes ago, MerseyGrey said:

    Thanks Victor. This does sound like the symptoms that Buddy is showing so I can ask about the availability of this drug in the UK. Most of the information I can find about it is related to human use so I will add it to the list. Thank you

    My pleasure! Here's a PDF of "Lumbo-Sacral Syndrome in Sporting Breed Dogs—Cauda Equina Syndrome" by Dr. M.R. Herron:


  2. One of our girls was licking excessively due to urinary incontinence. After ruling out a UTI, our vet had us apply Desitin to help calm the skin and give Estriol to help control the urinary incontinence. The Estriol helped but not enough, so our vet switched the prescription to DES (a nonsteroidal estrogen derivative) and that has worked quite well. The other thing we do is encourage her to go outside more often to urinate.


  3. The Dremel 8050 is ideal for nail maintenance. It's currently on sale at a number of Lowe's stores.

    There's an attachment for the Dremel called Diamagroove that is expensive but works really well.

    It's a good idea to trim frequently, since long nails can predispose greyhounds to corns.


  4. 3 hours ago, kronckew said:

    Seems a bit drastic. I'm guessing you've explored other solutions, hulling out the corn, etc. Can't they cut (or botox) the nerve instead so he/she can still use the toe?

    It's a new procedure pioneered by Dr. Mike Guilliard. You can read about it here:


    People are reporting successful outcomes with corns that haven't responded to other treatments.

    I don't know of any vets in Florida who perform the surgery, but Dr. Guilliard is willing to consult with other surgeons.

  5. Our Gilgun has chronic pancreatitis, and we've found Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Low Fat kibble to work well. Royal Canin also makes low fat GI treats that Gilgun likes. You have to be really careful with the fat content of foods and treats, since it doesn't take much to cause a flare-up.


    Also, when Gilgun was first diagnosed his cobalamin levels were really low, so they had him come in for cobalamin injections every week or two. You may want to ask if that'd be helpful for Myrtle. Also, it's a good idea to do a GI panel on a regular basis to monitor Myrtle's pancreatic and cobalimin values.


    Hope Myrtle feels better soon!

  6. What a cute photo! You can tell she's ready to go home. :beatheart


    For our boy with pancreatitis the key was switching to Royal Canin Gastrointestinal Low Fat kibble and canned food. The canned is actually lower in fat than the kibble, so you might want to start with that. It's important to adhere to a strict low fat diet, even with treats. If Mazy's cobalimin is low, she may also need cobalimin injections (or supplements) for a period of time. If Mazy hasn't had a GI panel done yet, that would be a good thing to do so that you can track her progress.


    Good luck!

  7. My 7-year-old greyhound boy was hospitalized last night because of Galliprant. He developed loose stools which turned into explosive black liquid diarrhea. He was also vomiting mucus with blood. They started him on IV fluids and GI protectants at the ER. The vet says he's doing better today, but he still has diarrhea (it's brown now instead of black).


    We had used Galliprant previously without incident, but only for short courses (2-3 days). This time he was on it for 2 weeks and he had a minor procedure (a punch biopsy) that required fasting overnight. He did have a meal before we gave him the dose after the procedure, though.


    If you try it, just be watchful for GI issues. If you see any, stop the Galliprant right away and take him to the vet.


    p.s. Gabapentin might be a safer alternative.

  8. Did the vet culture the urine? An infection may not show up in the urinalysis but show up in a culture. Also, did the vet do susceptibility testing? That would show which antibiotics are effective against the bacteria, if there is in fact a bacterial infection.


    As far as whether an ultrasound would show a problem, it depends. For example, if there's a kidney stone the ultrasound should show that.

  9. When our boy Gilgun was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, the vet put him on Royal Canin's Gastrointestinal Low Fat kibble. It has done wonders for him and he loves it too (we mix the kibble with warm water). He also received cobalimin supplementation until his cobalimin, folate, and PLI returned to normal. If Felix can't tolerate a kidney diet, perhaps this would help his pancreatitis?

  10. Our Joy is an obsessive licker. She has a routine where she licks her forearm, then her knee, and then her belly. She will repeat this routine over and over on whichever side of her body is facing up. We found that 20mg of Clomipramine (Clomicalm) per day helps control her licking, although we still have to interrupt her now and then by putting a light cotton blankie over her. (The "Touched by Nature Organic Receiving Blanket" on Amazon works well for this.)


    Joy is also an anxious girl (she's petrified of the sound of lawn mowers), so maybe that's related. We didn't get her until she was 7 (she was a brood mom).

  11. Just wanted to post a quick update. Gilgun had his sutures removed on Wednesday, and the ophthalmologist said his left eye and eyelid are looking good! His left eye still looks a bit smaller than his right, but it's not nearly as noticeable as it was after surgery. And he's very, very, very happy not to have to wear his cone anymore! :balloonparty


    Thanks for all your well wishes and advice!


    Here's a photo from this morning:



  12. Thanks, everyone! Gilgun is glad to be home, although his left eye seems to be bothering him more today. :( He's squinting a lot with it. I asked the surgeon about it and he said as long as there's no discolored discharge it should be okay. Poor puppy!


    Here is a link to the vaccine I mentioned: https://ifx-vet.com/safe-and-effective-dog-cancer-treatment/

    Thank you! I'll ask the oncologist about it!

  13. Best wishes for a quick recovery and low grade tumour...paws crossed

    Thanks, greytpups!


    That's exactly the approach I would have taken. I wouldn't get aggressive before knowing the grade of the tumor. Many, many grade 2 mct's never return even with dirty margins. Once they obtain the sample not only can they grade it they can also learn of its aggressiveness.

    Glad everything is going well so far.

    Thanks, tbhounds -- that's reassuring!


    Here's a photo of Gilgun after I picked him up today. You'll notice that his left eye looks quite a bit smaller than his right eye now. Hopefully the lower eyelid will stretch some over time.



  14. The meeting with the oncologist went well. They did chest x-rays and an abdominal ultrasound, and they aspirated the lymph nodes in his neck. Thankfully it appears the cancer hasn't spread yet.


    We met with the surgeon later that afternoon. Unfortunately, the location of the tumor is not ideal for removal with clean margins. The options they offered were to (1) excise just the tumor using a modified V-plasty (a "4-sided wedge resection"), (2) do an H-plasty (which they advised against), (3) do a lip to lid transposition, or (4) remove the eye and surrounding tissues. We opted to start with #1, since it has the least risk and it can still tell us how aggressive of a tumor we're dealing with.


    This morning Gilgun had the surgery and the surgeon says it went well! Gilgun is in recovery now. We won't know the grade of the tumor for a few days.

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