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Posts posted by milosdriver

  1. I'm so sorry to hear about Bullitt. We lost our boy Milo, last month, at age 9 and I know it seems particularly unfair to lose them so young. I always look forward to the pictures of your pack, eating their Peeps and playing and Bullitt will be missed. Thank your for sharing the pictures of him - that last one is a stunning photograph.

    Run free, sweet boy!


  2. Friends,


    We lost our beautiful boy, Milo G. Hound Saturday morning.

    Thursday he became suddenly quite ill, with what was possibly pancreatitis. He was admitted to the hospital on Friday and seemed to be rallying, but early Saturday morning he had a stroke. He was clearly not going to recover and we did not want to prolong his suffering, so we made the heartbreaking decision to let him go. We were both holding him when he passed so he was surrounded by love and wrapped in his favourite blanket when he left the world.

    Milo was a great dog and he LOVED his life: Mariann's BBQed hamburgers, hiking and swimming at Calabogie, having his ears rubbed, riding in the car with his face in the breeze, his morning walks through the neighbourhood and most recently, Saturday Morning Adventure Club with his friend Ace Greyhound.

    Everybody who met Milo loved him. Even little dogs who didn't usually like big dogs liked Milo and he had more than a few girlfriends and admirers around town. People often asked us if he was a rescue and we always said that he preferred "retired racer" but the truth is, we always kind of thought that he'd rescued us.

    Apparently, he wasn't much of a racer while he was at the track, but once he came to live with us, we saw how much he loved to run - he was fast and graceful and so full of joy when he ran. It was a beautiful thing to see.

    He was also a valued member of the Paws Up Pet Care Team, welcoming dogs to his house and happily sharing his beds, toys and treats with them and making them feel at home while their families were away.

    Milo loved, and was loved, a lot. He was nine years old and we got to share nearly seven fantastic years with our boy and we will miss him more than we can say.

    Patti and Mariann

    "Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace." Milan Kundera.

  3. Susan-


    I'm devastated to hear that it was George's time. I don't think you can know how much you and he brightened my day with your stories, your pictures, your "Houndish." Today, I, like so many other people here, am crying for a greyt dog I never actually met. He was a special boy and he was so lucky to have found you.


    Good boy, Georgie.


    You're both in our prayers

    Patti & Milo

  4. I've been away from my computer and only saw this now...


    Such sadness at Joe's passing. He was a prince among hounds and his reports always brightened my day.


    I am so honoured to have been able to meet him in person at a Greyhound Planet event. Like the true celebrity he was, he patiently let me take his picture. I treasure the memory.


    What a dog! What a reporter!


    Godspeed Joe T.!


    Patti & Milo

  5. I wish there was something I could say that would be of comfort - but all I can think is to say thank you for sharing Bee Wiseman's many adventures with us all. She and Murray never failed to brighten my day. She was a special lady, and so well loved.

    Patti, Mariann and Milo.

  6. Was out of town, too, and just read about poor Merlin. We had a round of HGE last year and it was so scary - bad diarrhea is one thing but seeing my poor boy pooping blood over and over nearly stopped my heart! He did a night at the e-vet, got fluids, Flagyl, and all that stuff and he recovered really quickly. It was amazing - we were so relieved.


    We've always had trouble finding a food for Milo and so we cook for him now and add a prepared vitamin supplement to his food. It's a lot of work and kind of time consuming but it's been keeping us out of the vet office which is so great.


    Best wishes to Merlin and family - hope you all get some good rest.


    Patti & Milo G. Hound.

  7. Hello all -


    In our continuing sage to keep Milo healthy and itch-free, we're trying a medication called Atopica, generic name is cyclosporine. It's very expensive (fingers crossed for the insurance company to cover it). I just wondered if anyone else is using it and what their experience has been like. Apparently dogs who take it usually have some GI issues at the start (which of course he is having), but they are supposed to resolve within a week or so.


    So, anybody using this?


    Patti and Milo (who is currently not scratching, nibbling or biting himself.)

  8. Thanks to everyone for their suggestions! Greys and their people are the best.


    We took Milo to our grey-savy vet yesterday and he told us that for the last week or so, every second appointment he's had has been "an itchy dog." Apparently the ragweed is really blooming and healthy this year in our area and is causing a lot of atopy (the fancy vet word for airborne allergies.) He said the Benadryl was good to give, but poor Milo was just crazy itchy and we needed to give him some quick relief, so he's prescribed some prednisone and already, a day later, Milo is much improved. He also suggested adding some fish oils over the long term.


    Because prednisone has those tough side effects, he also recommended another drug called cyclosporine (also known as Atopica or Neoral or Sandimmune). It's a LOT more expensive than prednisone but is a more specific immune system drug and has fewer side effects. I'm going to call the nice folks at Trupanion (we decided a few months ago to get some insurance in case of a big accident or surgery) and see if they can cover some of the cost.


    In the meantime, at least he's not chewing holes in his legs.


    Patti & Milo

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