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Posts posted by 2greytgreys

  1. Jewel was definitely loved by her trainers and everyone else at the prison. We had the privilege of visiting the Gadsden Correctional Facility last summer and meeting the female inmates who are part of this program. We got a tour of the prison and spent about two hours with the inmates and their dogs. They showed off their training skills and put the dogs through their paces for us. We talked with them and many shared with us the reason they were incarcerated and how being part of this program was helping them change their lives. A couple of them even planned to train in the vet tech program. The love these women have for the dogs is incredible and they really put their heart and soul into the training.


    This program not only helps the dogs but it also has huge benefits for the inmates. It gives them responsibility totally and completely for the care of the dog. And because they have to keep a weekly journal of the training progress of the dog they also practice their writing and communication skills. The day we visited we were bringing back two of the dogs and their trainers were sad to see the dogs leave even though they knew they would be getting another dog to train.

  2. Hi everyone,


    Beverly Sebastian, founder of 2nd Chance At Life Prison Greyhound Program, asked me to post this for her. It is a tribute to Jewel and a thank you to everyone on Greytalk who cared about and searched for Jewel and Tater Tot, the two hounds who escaped from the hauler a few weeks ago. The Greyhound community is truly incredible and never ceases to amaze at their love, generosity, and passion for these wonderful dogs.


    The link includes the profile of Jewel written by her inmate trainers and a very sweet letter from the trainers that would have been given to Jewel's adopters. You can also watch short videos on how the inmates train the dogs. http://www.inmemoryofjewel.com/



  3. I am going through the same thing now as my AC is broken too. I went out and bought a 10,000 BTU portable AC unit to use until my AC gets replaced. It's much easier to set up than a traditional window unit. It is set up in my living room and keeps it around 83 during the day but cools off to 76 in the evening. I also have a ceiling fan going as well as a floor fan. I'm sure my three boys aren't loving it being that warm during the day but they are tolerating it well.


    It doesn't reach the back of the house so we've all been living and sleeping in the living room. :-) Hope your AC gets fixed soon.

  4. I just went through this with my hound, Ranger. A couple of months ago he started limping and off to the vet we went. X-rays showed no cancer so the vet thought it was a sprain or pulled muscle and gave him Rimadyl because they were out of Deramax.


    A few days later Ranger just wasn't acting himself and off to the Evet we went because of course it was a Friday night after his regular vet was closed. His liver values and other counts were off the chart, had a temp of 104 and he spent the next three days in the hospital. The connection to him taking Rimadyl didn't come up and they tested him for parasites, infections, and everything under the sun. All results came back clean but his liver wasn't responding. With all the IVs and liver meds they gave him he eventually started getting better.


    When he came out of the hospital I took him to his regular vet for follow up and after she read all the test results she made a connection to him having been on the Rimadyl and said the only thing she could think was he had a toxicity to the it. She said she had only seen it three times before and each time it was with a Labrador. But nothing else seemed to fit the symptoms and Ranger had never had Rimadyl before, always Deramax.


    After weeks of medication and special food, thankfully he made a full recovery and there was no permanant damage. But this is definitely something to be aware of and none of my dogs will take Rimadyl in the future. It might be okay but I'm gun shy now and would be terrified to take that chance again.

  5. I was snuggling with Mason on the couch and looked down and saw this:





    and now he's wearing this:




    It's my first skin tear so I freaked out a bit, but a call to his foster mom calmed me down. He's now resting quietly. Molly supervised the whole event...she was worried about her brother too.

    One of my boys got a tear just past his shoulder blade similar to what this looks like. A t-shirt is a great way to keep it somewhat covered yet able to breathe. I cut the neck and sleeves out of an old t-shirt and slipped it over Ranger's head with the front legs through the sleeve holes. That kept the tear covered. If the tee is too loose you can also tie it up to take up some of the slack.


    Baby socks are good too if it's in a place he can scratch it with his hind foot. Just put the baby sock on the back paw and at least it's a softer scratch than with his nails.


    Hope it heals quickly.

  6. Firm "NO!" or "NO Bite!"


    If firm doesn't work, VoG (Voice of God)


    When he lets go, praise him for being a good boy.


    I haven't had to do this with a greyhound, but with an adolescent husky, to get the message across, I had to wrap my fingers gently, but firmly, around her muzzle while using the VoG "NO BITE" then praise her when she sat quietly looking at me. She wasn't biting me, she was mouthing me. But "bite" kept it simple.


    ETA~ You may have to correct before the nip happens. To warn him off that the intended behavior isn't tolerated. If he is getting excited and then nips, get him before the connect. That is what I had to do with the husky. I knew what she was intending, and put a stop to it before it happened. Otherwise, he might think that you're praising the letting go, and will nip to get the letting go praise.


    If that makes sense? Sorry.. work nights and just waking up. :lol


    Yes, this. Max is a nipper too especially when I come home. A short, firm "no" when I come in catches him before he gets too wound up.

  7. I agree with the others. My three boys are all muzzled any time they are outside because Max is an instigator and very quickly their fun romp turns into a competition and can spark a fight so better safe than sorry. Even muzzled something can happen because their skin is so think. Davis loves to get on his hind legs and box and accidentally caught Ranger in the throat and tore a 1" hole that had to be sutured and have a drain.

  8. Congrats on your new additions! I have three boys and they are muzzled whenever I am not home. Luckily I live close to my work so I'm able to come home at lunch each day and let them out. I don't have a doggie door and would be scared to have mine going in and out without me there. I'd be afraid they would get injured or get their muzzle or collar hung up on something and I wouldn't be there to prevent it.


    For collars, in the house I use a leather collar from Dave Engraves that has the dogs name, my address and phone number on it. When we go out they wear their martingales which have their tags on it.

  9. As others have said, not all adoption groups have an age requirement for adopting to families with children. Our group does not have a blanket policy but we do take extra time with those potential adopters who have small children. We want to make sure they understand what is involved with having a greyhound and small children. The ones we are most concerned about are those who have never had a dog at all. But we go over things like making sure the child doesn't bother the greyhound while it's eating, sleeping or lying on it's bed.


    We also do home visits so we are able to observe the family and the child or children to see what the dynamics are. If possible we encourage them to also come to a meet & greet with the entire family and that is another place to observe the interaction of the child and our greyhounds. As long as the parent(s) clearly understand that you need to be vigilent about monitoring the dog and the child I am sure it wouldn't be a problem for us.


    Find another group that will work with you. There are lots of groups out there. Good luck.

  10. Oh Kyle, I am so sorry to hear this. I can't imagine how heartbroken you and Lynn are to lose Jack so soon after losing Charlie. They were both such wonderful boys and I remember when you got them. We will keep you and Lynn in our prayers

    . :f_pink

  11. I added a third boy to my pack last month and he's blended in just great with my other two boys. Even though they all get along I still muzzle when I'm not home, always when they are in the yard and also in the car just in case. They are all fed in the kitchen with separate food and water bowls. I stay in there with them while they are eating to make sure no one gets into trouble.


    Good luck with your new additon!

  12. Ranger does the same thing. He will also start spinning around like a top in between the bucking and rearing. :lol I keep their leashes in the same closet as my coats so any time I go to get my raincoat out he goes nuts thinking he's going somewhere because that's where his leash is.

  13. Ranger is like this. If I petted him 24 hours a day he would be happy. He is really good though when I've had enough and tell him to go lay down he does. At meet & greets he can't stand not being the center of attention and feels that someone should be petting him at all times. And look out if he spies another hound getting pets. He will try to push his way in and take over. :lol I love that he's a velcro dog but like you said, there are limits even if he doesn't think there should be.

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