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Posts posted by knightfal

  1. He has been improving more and more as the hours pass. He now walks pretty steady but stumbles a bit when turning. He has a slight head tilt to the right, not very noticable. I still carry him up and down the stairs. He still walks with a gait ( paws spread apart for balance), however he has returned to his favorite spot on the couch and is very lively and acting normal. Im hoping hes back to normal in a week or so.



    Thanks everyone for the support. It was very scary esp. how we lost his brother. All kinds of thoughts went through my head.







  2. Hey everyone been away for awhile and im back under not so great circumstances.


    My greyhound is 12 almost 13 and when i let him out tonight he was fine came back in and he almost fell over. He seems to not be able to walk right. he can stand up, has deep pain sensation in all legs. he just can walk. he can stand up but whant to curl to to the right.



    Any ideas?






  3. I am very sorry for your loss..... I kow your pain with such a sudden loss.. My Bullet had to cross the bridge suddely also. May you think of all the happy times and good memories.




  4. Osteo would be interesting...


    Also PRA. Esp since this is a recessive defect that's now been directly linked to two major sires: Molotov (7662 direct offspring on gh-data) and Greys Statesman (5300 direct offspring on gh-data). Since it's late onset it probably isn't even on the radar screen of racing breeders...not that there's really enough info about it in greyhounds to do anything anyway. The most you can do is not breed dogs known to be carriers....The danger of the "popular sire syndrome" is that recessive traits like PRA can become ingrained in a gene pool.


    http://forum.greytalk.com/index.php?showtopic=190765&hl= (past thread on it)


    Thanks for the tip on Greys Statesman, Blast will be 11 in May and no signs of PRA.

  5. I am very sorry for your loss! The pain and grief is normal... Time will help heal the wounds.. Try to think of all the happy memories you had with Jock. My Bullet crossed the bridge 24 days ago from the same kind of condition. To this day his food and water bowls are still there. as I just can't put them away. Stay strong and hang in there.




  6. I just watched the video....what a wonderful tribute for Bullett. I hope he and Buddy are having a grand time!!



    Thank You.... I bet they are tearing the coulds up... :)


    Bullet finally came home to us yesterday and is watching over the house again.


  7. 2/08: ---about $172 for Ruby, with extraction (no charge). That price INCLUDED the pre-op bloodwork.


    5/08: --a bit under $200 for Rascal, and she had one extraction (no charge for that). Again, includes bloodwork.

    --$120 for Buddy. He had the bloodwork previously, so that's not included in this price. Our base price for a dental is $120.


    Of course these prices don't account for any medication (for pain, etc.), just the dental with or without bloodwork.




    Thats quite a deal..... To far to drive for me though(not really) but Tender Touch is 30 seconds from me and have always provided my greys with excellent care.

  8. I finished my tribute video.



    If you have a fast internet connection watch it in HD by clickin oh the HD button on the bottom right of the video player. You can push pause to let it buffer a little bit.

  9. you can try these to herbs, "Angustura Vera" and "Hypericum Perforatum"


    You can also try DMSO gel.



    or the DMSO cream with additives.

    DMSO Cream With Additives



    I only found this stuff recently (after Bullet passed) from my uncle who owns a horse farm in VA. He uses it on the farm animals. He said you have to be careful with this stuff. You would need to wear surgical gloves and use a tongue depressor to apply it to the dogs skin. You would need to shave the area in question and apply it there. Your dog is most likely not going to like it because he will smell like and his tongue will taste garlic. But from whats hes told me this stuff works wonders and the smell is worth it. Just don't get it on your skin or you will tastes garlic on your tongue.


    Good Luck.


    You should def try the above..... My uncle swears by the stuff....

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