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Posts posted by andovergr8hound

  1. We had a similar looking creature on one of our greys but not quite as widespread. The doc did some skin scrappings and it turned out to be ringworm. If this is the case it will just depend on the seriousness of the fungus to what the treatment will be.




    Ok, here's the deal-- Haka does sometimes get those little hard whitehead type of bumps, that eventually emerge and you can pick them out (ew, but ya, that's what we do).


    He's got something new-- I mentioned it to the vet last time we were there, and she thought it was a regular scab, must've cut himself (on the muzzle) blah blah.


    um, no.


    he's getting these crusty spots all over-- one on his shoulder, mostly on his face and head... they don't have any particular color (i.e. not obviously caked blood)

    if you pick at them, the crustiness and the fur comes out-- and it's red underneath.


    He doesn't like you picking at them-- can't say that they hurt, but he's not a fan of us picking out the crust and the fur.

    After a few weeks, the fur grows back in that spot and it's normal, but they don't really go away on their own, we have to clear them out.


    is this something? he's got a new one over his eye...


    I'll see if I can take/post a pic, but any ideas would help





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