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Posts posted by Scottandjo

  1. Cherry, it has been 8 and half years since you left us and I still think of you and miss you often. Just wanted to stop by and give you a shout out. You were and always will be my "best girl". Miss you baby and hope to be reunited with you someday. Hope you are happy, healthy, and enjoying your time among the clouds. I think of you very often but more often with smiles now than in the past. All your friends say hi. One of you favorites, Roger, lost his battle with cancer this past July so look him up and enjoy some good ear rubs. Walking now for me, your buddy and faithful servant, will never be like it was.

  2. Trudy, your statement about making it 14 years to be struck down by Osteo really resonated with me and I know how you feel. Cherry was 14 when Osteo took her from me, she had been limping off and on for awhile but x-rays didn't show anything. The vet actually broke her leg during an exam and we let her go. So sorry about your loss of Jet. Run free Jet.

  3. Another of the Greytalk classic personalities was silenced by cancer. I have always enjoyed reading of Elsie's antics. I so hate the cancer that robs us of our loved ones. My thoughts are with you and you family during this difficult time.

  4. I understand your situation completely. Just not sure about how we get over these wonderful animals or if we every will, I sure know that I have not. I think everyone's situation is different but the feelings are very similiar. Best of luck to you and yours.

  5. I think it totally depends on the dog. Our Cherry was left at home for up to 10-11 hours a day while we worked. She was able to do this until 13.5 year old, then we had to get a dog walker at noon time. She had never had any SA and as far as we could tell, almost never got off the couch the whole time. When we would come home, she would trot to the door for some good loving, get a big drink of water, and then wait to be taken on her walk. It seemed with Cherry that she self regulated her water intake until she knew a walk was coming soon. She was a very smart cookie and very easy to leave extended periods at home. Again, I think it all depends on the dog. You might want to foster for awhile to see how the individual dog would work for you if that is an option.

  6. Yesterday marked 4 years that you left us. Still miss you like it was yesterday. In some ways it feels like it was just yesterday and I am constantly reminded of all the funny things you did and we did together. I still see people walking a dog and think back to all the wonderful adventures we had together. Then at other times it seems like a lifetime ago that you left. I am afraid that I am forgetting so much about you and our time together. Have a nice day at the bride Princess!

  7. Cherry had a routine, after every meal, she would jump up and give me a kiss and a burp. Generally right in the face so I could enjoy all of the aroma. I think it was her version of "compliments to the chef". That is one of the things I miss the most.

  8. Our Cherry was able to stay while we both worked for well over 11 hours a day without a potty break. She was able to do this until well into her 13th year, and would often make it 13 hours without issue. I noticed several times that she would greet us when we got home and then head to the water dish and drink like mad while I was getting things ready for her walk. I think they are very smart animals and somehow knew to limit water intake until she was sure she could go out shortly. About mid way through her 13th year we started to have a dog walker in to allow her a break mid day but she never had any issues and did as yours is doing. Hope this helps.

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