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Posts posted by MoGreyMom

  1. I just adopted a new grey - his foster family was feeding him Blue Diamond Chicken and Brown Rice. I've continued that. He had to have most of his teeth extracted, so it helps that it is in small bites that I soak in warm water before he eats. He loves it and snarfs it down. When I took him to the vet for a first visit, she told me Blue Diamond is horrible and to switch to Hill's Science Diet.

    Do you guys know if Blue Diamond is still considered high quality, or what she might have had an issue with? She said it gets recalled often.

  2. I swear by The Missing Link supplement (on amazon.com). I get the variety with both omegas and glucosamine. My last greyhound, Flynn, had arthritis in one shoulder and did so much better walking after I started this. It also made his coat gorgeous. I just adopted my 3rd greyhound. He is 7 years old and seems quite healthy, but he does have the bald areas on his thighs from the track kennel and a little bit of dandruff. Started him on Missing Link today and I expect good results with him also!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear of Raymond's diagnosis. We are dealing with the same thing. Our sweet boy Charlie (seven years old and otherwise healthy) was diagnosed with osteo in the right upper humerus about 3 weeks ago. He had a chest xray and labs and does not appear to have evidence of metastases. At first we opted to just treat him for pain with Deramaxx and Tramadol, and he was able to continue abbreviated walks with me and seemed fairly happy. In the past 3 days his limp has gotten much worse to the point where he can hardly bear weight on the leg. I had another discussion with the vet today about surgery and chemo, and am strongly considering to go ahead with this treatment. I hope we are making the right decision - if he has 12-18 months of good quality life left with us, I think it will have been the right one.


    Best of luck - it's a highly individual decision.


    p.s. - just read your post in more detail - I'm sorry you're dealing with a more complicated case. Give Raymond all the love you can. I've been kissing my boy Charlie all day every day since his diagnosis...

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