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Posts posted by Houndess

  1. I'm so grateful to each of you for such helpful responses. Reading them I know we can go!

    WRT medical records - what kind of records and why would I need them? I've had a ton of senior's panels done. Would they need them for a comparison if there is an emergency?

    I'm so grateful to each of you for such helpful responses. Reading them I know we can go!

    WRT medical records - what kind of records and why would I need them? I've had a ton of senior's panels done. Would they need them for a comparison if there is an emergency?

  2. My girl is 13.5 years old and has hind end weakness. She is on Dasuquin and although it helps tremendously she still has issues getting up when she is lying down.

    We have travelled extensively with her and we stop every two to three hours. I'm wondering if we should travel this September with her. My concern is it is difficult for her to get up and adjust her position if she is uncomfortable - I can't see her from the cab (she is safely kennelled in the canopy).

    I know a long trip is not a good idea but am wondering if a shorter trip would be okay? Would this be hard on her?

    Anyone care to share their opinions?

  3. As I understand it, the Revolution pill our vet recommended is to be given once a month. Costs almost $40 per dose. She should get the first Dose August 26. We are in the US September 6 - 25. Second pill is taken September 25.

    This type of Revolution covers Heartworm, fleas and ticks.

    Fleas and ticks aren't an issue here in Vancouver.

    As I understand it, the Revolution pill is given once a month. Costs almost $40 per dose. She should get it the first August 26. We are in the US September 6 - 25 Second pill is taken September 26

    This type of Revolution covers Heartworm, fleas and ticks.

    Fleas and ticks aren't an issue here in Vancouver.

  4. Huge appreciation to all that took time to help me and Miss Music. We are travelling in an RV so will be in campgrounds all the way there so we are not taking any chances with her health.

    She will get Revolution, lepto and bottled water.

    I am grateful to each one of you ! 🐾😊🐾

    Thanks again

    Leah and Miss Mews

    And we will keep her out of the long grass too!

    And we will keep her out of the long grass too!

  5. We live near Vancouver, BC. Heartworm is non-existent here.

    However, we are travelling with our almost 13-year-old greyhound to Yosemite in September.

    We are taking the I5 through Washington and Oregon. When we hit California we may head to the coast to travel down highway 101 to San Francisco and then head to Yosemite. Anyone have an opinion as to whether we should protect Miss Music with Heartworm prevention? I have no idea and neither does our vet.

    Appreciated as always guys!


  6. We live near Vancouver, BC. Heartworm is non-existent here.

    However, we are travelling with our almost 13-year-old greyhound to Yosemite in September.

    We are taking the I5 through Washington and Oregon. When we hit California we may head to the coast to travel down highway 101 to San Francisco and then head to Yosemite. Anyone have an opinion as to whether we should protect Miss Music with Heartworm prevention? I have no idea and neither does our vet.

    Appreciated as always guys!


  7. Sorry for the multiple posts - whoever erased the "extras" - thank you!


    Thank you to all who replied. We'll be doing Heartworm meds.


    When I took her in for a vet check, my guy told me to check with a Waldport vet to see if it was in the area. I knew the Greytalkers would know!


    My precious little old lady will be spending a well deserved week on the beach with us. I'm hesitant to inject or apply anything chemical on her unless I know she absolutely needs it. Appears this is not something we can avoid though.


    She is up-to-date on all her shots including Lyme so once the Heartworm meds are added, she should be good to go!


    Again, thank you Greytalkers 🐾

  8. Vet says its blunt force trauma ! While trauma isn't great it ain't the Big C!! Now all we have to do is figure out how he did this?!?!?8

    The only thing he could have hurt himself on is if he tried to climb the chair and step ladder we use to block the kitchen door (which he has figured out how to open) from opening.

    Keeping this dog from hurting himself is turning into a challenge

  9. Yes, there are multiple rugs on the kitchen floor to prevent him from hurting himself and two fat beds.

    This mass is not near his mouth but rather his "collarbone".

    And it's huge 😞

    And it came overnight 😞

    And he has aged considerably in the last six weeks.

    I'm sleeping on the kitchen floor floor with him b/c he cannot do stairs. He has to be carried in and out of the trailer. He is losing weight as well.

    I have an awful feeling this is lymphoma - if you google images of it, my boy looks just like those dogs.

    I will update after our appointment today 😞


    And thank you all for replying. I only seem to post in my darkest moments but those are the times this group has been a lifesaver for us. Thank you

  10. my 13-year boy has a large mass on his neck the size of a baseball. It's located on the front of his throat near his shoulder. The mass is also located on the right side of his neck.

    The necks been looking saggy for a few weeks - I thought it was age. Tonight is when I discovered the mass.

    Because he is unstable on his feet he is confined to the kitchen - I cannot see how he could have injured himself.

    Anyone have any idea what this could be? He's off to the vet tomm

    Thanks Greytalkers!

  11. my 13-year boy has a large mass on his neck the size of a baseball. It's located on the front of his throat near his shoulder. The mass is also located on the right side of his neck.

    The necks been looking saggy for a few weeks - I thought it was age. Tonight is when I discovered the mass.

    Because he is unstable on his feet he is confined to the kitchen - I cannot see how he could have injured himself.

    Anyone have any idea what this could be? He's off to the vet tomm

    Thanks Greytalkers!

  12. Big thank you to everyone who gave me support and provided information. It has been very hard to not break down - I just love her so very much and of course the first thing I think is she is going to die.


    I just spoke to the vet. She was very surprised this little bump turned out to be a sarcoma. It was on her torso just above her front leg so lots of loose skin there. It was not attached to underlying muscle.


    The margins were not clean because the vet did not go deep (this time). If it comes back she will do so.


    The vet does not think chemo or radiation is appropriate at all at this point. I will face that if I have to. She turns 11 this month. I will be watching her like a hawk from now on until the end of her days!


    Again - I am so grateful for all the replies to this thread. I don't know what I would do without this community.



    Leah and Miss Musical Kittens

  13. Just got a call from the vet. Music has been diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma, locally invasive. Her "numbers" are between 1 and 2 (I understand 30 is bad). I am panicking I'm so scared right now....


    The vet says just to watch it for now and if I see a bump come back then I should bring her in for a second removal.


    Does anyone have any advice for me? Does this sound like the right thing to do ? Just wait and watch?


    thank you so much in advance!

  14. I would like to thank every person who replied to my post - your kindness to us was heartwarming in an awful situation.


    Unfortunately, my beloved CC was diagnosed with advanced osteo. My heart broke into a million pieces as she was lovingly led to the bridge on Tuesday afternoon.


    Run free sweet baby...

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