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Peeing For Ages - But Only Last Thing

Guest Stripeyfan

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Guest Stripeyfan

The last few days, I've noticed that when Kelly's gone out for his late-night potty breaks (we take him out 9.30pm and then about 1am), he has been peeing for AGES - minutes at a time. And sometimes he'll do one long pee and then go do another straight away. The pee is pretty dilute and just kind of dribbles out in little squirts (rather than his usual 'waterfall').


However, this is ONLY happening at these times. In the mornings after breakfast he sometimes doesn't need to go out at-all, and when he does go he produces what I'd term a normal amount, and has no problems producing it. The colour's fine, there's no bad odour, he has no discharge and no leaking/incontinence. And so far, there's been no accidents in the house. He was on pred last year with all its associated side effects but we managed to get him off it just after Xmas, and his drinking/peeing went back to normal. In fact he doesn't drink much at-all now - usually just a few slurps in the afternoon after his walk.


He is on a home cooked chicken/rice diet because of his IBD, which has a lot of water in it, and I did notice when I cooked a batch with less water in he seemed better for a couple of days, but I cooked some more yesterday with more water – although no more than he's had in the past – and in the evening the long pees started again and he also needed to go out at 3am.


He seems in otherwise fine spirits - weight good, coat good, poops greyt and super-keen for walks and his stuffies. I'm starting to wonder if he has a UTI, but wouldn't he have symptoms all the time it that was the case? If this carries on tonight we will definitely take him to the vet tomorrow or Thurs to get checked out, but in the meantime any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you! smile.gif

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Guest Stripeyfan

Sorry, Swifthounds, I made it sound as if I add water to his food after it's cooked - I meant the water the rice absorbs when it cooks! He has to have chicken/rice because he doesn't seem to be able to tolerate any kind of dog food, not even prescription diets for IBD, and I make the rice fairly mushy so it's easier for him to digest, as his IBD stems from damage in the small intestine from parasites.



I also forgot to say that he is on a very low dose of an antibiotic (oxytetracycline) as without it his IBD flares up again.

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The fact that he had to go out at 3 a.m. would probably convince me to get a quick check with the vet to rule out UTI. I don't know the back story with his IBD (poor guy!) - has the vet done bloodwork to check his kidney function? Can pred affect the kidneys?


Glad to hear he seems to be feeling ok other than the peeing thing!

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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Guest Stripeyfan

No problems yesterday evening or last night, but I came home to a puddle today (when he'd been out to potty only a couple of hours before), so we're off to the vet with a sample tomorrow to get things checked out (soonest we could get in to see the vet I like).


RedFawnMom - pred can affect the kidneys, and he had to be on it for quite a while (although at a fairly low dose) so I'm PRAYING this is not because of that. sad.gif The only bloodwork that was done while he was sick was to check for malabsorption in his small intestine but I will ask the vet about everything tomorrow.


Please could we have some good thoughts and prayers that this is only a UTI!

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Please could we have some good thoughts and prayers that this is only a UTI!


Of course! Sending TONS of good thoughts your way and keeping fingers and paws crossed for a simple UTI. :goodluck


Please let us know what the vet says tomorrow.

Always missing our angel Lucy, a four year osteo survivor.

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