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Does This Sound Familiar?

Guest Stripeyfan

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Guest Stripeyfan

I was wondering about this too. Haven't actually opened the bag of Burns yet so I'm not sure how hard it is compared to his old biscuit, but is soaking it something you'd recommend doing just to start with until we're sure he can tolerate it, or continuing long-term?

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Guest LindsaySF

His symptoms (soft stool, itching) sound like a food allergy. Something in the kibble doesn't agree with him. You just need to figure out what that thing is. :)


If he's doing well on the chicken and rice I would continue that until he has firm poops, then slowly transition over to kibble. If the chicken and rice don't agree with him you can try another protein source, like you said. Some dogs don't do great on the rice, I have tried potato in the past instead. It all depends on the dog, there might be a lot of trial and error at first.


Good luck!

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Guest longdoglady

Glad to hear Kelly is still enjoying his chicken and rice diet, hope he has good test results tomorrow.


The Burn's dried food becomes soft really quickly, I put warm water on Anna's and by the time I've added the Naturediet and mixed it in the kibble is almost soft. Burn's is really easy to digest. If I was Kelly though I would keep pushing out those soft poops as long as it meant I was fed fresh chicken :)


A photo of the handsome Kelly would be much appreciated.

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Guest Stripeyfan

The vet rang today - Kelly's test results showed no bacteria or giardia but a MAJOR toxacara infestation, which they think either caused all the problems he's been having or happened because of them. Myself, I think he's probably had them from the start... we wormed him shortly after we got him but as he was behind with his wormers he should have had another dose a month later, which in our ignorance we didn't realise. :( Anyway he's had a dose of Dolpac and is now feeling very sorry for himself. Just hope the tablets stay down long enough to do what they need to do!! On the plus side (for him!) the vet recommended keeping him on chicken and rice till the weekend, then begin adding some Burns in if he's ok.


So it's another dose of wormers in a month, hopefully this will be the answer and we'll get our boy back to 100%. I need to work out how to post pictures but as soon as I do I will get some on here! :colgate

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Guest longdoglady

:yay A problem with a simple solution, poor Kelly you'll soon feel so much better. Make the most of your chicken and rice.


If Kelly loses weight with the ordinary Burn's you could try the Burn's high energy lamb. Anna is only 49lbs and she sleeps most of the day but I found it hard to keep her weight on, the high energy lamb suited her better and cured her dry skin. No change in her energy levels though :lol:


I upload from my Flikr account, there is a link below the photo you select. Click on "insert image" in the GT reply box then copy and paste the photo link.

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